Full-Day Kindergarten 2013-2014Proposal Where Students Dare to be Remarkable Pomfret Community School.


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Presentation transcript:

Full-Day Kindergarten Proposal Where Students Dare to be Remarkable Pomfret Community School

Committee Members Richard Packman, Superintendent Jane Dion, Principal Lynda Joly, Director of Pupil Services Carolyn Otto, Kindergarten teacher Judy Kendall, Grade One teacher Kate Bars, Grade One teacher

Goal To implement a research-based developmentally appropriate kindergarten program in order to meet students’ needs; and for PCS to remain at a competitive level with other districts in the region and state.

Need for Full-Day Kindergarten Consistent with research that demonstrates early intervention with literacy-rich and numeracy-rich programs resulting in long-lasting improvement in student achievement Common Core State Standards are written for full- day kindergarten Affords more time to reinforce and enrich the kindergarten curriculum and State Standards Allows for more hands-on, discovery learning opportunities and time for exploration through spontaneous play

Need (con’t) Prepares kindergarten students for a more robust first grade program Offers greater opportunities of reducing long-term and costly special education and remedial education placement in the future Allows the teacher to have a longer “uninterrupted” period of time for instructional activities Allows more time to continually assess achievement in all areas of child development and offer multiple learning opportunities

Need (con’t) Enables teachers to better address the individual needs of students through differentiated instruction Supports and enhances SRBI Is consistent with the Connecticut State Department of Education’s encouragement that districts develop full-day kindergarten programs To be competitive with the developing trend for full- day kindergarten in Connecticut school districts

Recent Research Research on kindergarten programs supports the need for a full-day program. Children who have attended full-day programs are better prepared for first grade. Participation in full-day kindergarten relates positively to subsequent school performance. Full-day allows both teachers and students to work in an unhurried setting.

Common Core State Standards The new Common Core State Standards are written for full-day kindergarten. This means that our kindergarten students will enter first grade unprepared for the rigors of first grade and will always be playing “catch-up.” This was evident in our Fall 2012 benchmark assessment data.

Connecticut Kindergarteners The following information is derived from the October 1, 2011 student census data submitted to the State Department of Education. 63% of all kindergarteners are enrolled in full-day programs 7% of all kindergarteners are enrolled in extended-day programs 30% of all kindergarteners are enrolled in half-day programs

Full-Day vs. Half-Day Minutes/Day ACTIVITYHalf-dayFull-day Core Content Specials3040 Morning Meeting1525 Lunch025 Snack1020 Recess025 Quiet Time020 Dismissal Preparation 10 TOTAL170405

Full-Day Schedule 8:30 – 8:55 – Morning Meeting 8:55-10:30 – Learning Centers 10:30-10:50 – Snack and morning break 10:50-11:45 – Literacy Instruction 11:45-12:35 – Lunch and Recess 12:35-12:55 – Quiet time 12:55-1:55 – Math Instruction 1:55-2:35 – Specials 2:35-3:00 – Developmental Centers 3:00-3:10 – Afternoon Meeting

Half-Day Schedule 8:30 – 8:45 – Morning Meeting 8:45-10:00 – Curriculum Instruction 10:00-10:30 – Specials 10:30-10:40 – Snacks 10:40-11:10 – Curriculum Instruction 11:10-11:20 - Get ready for dismissal

Enrollment Projections Based on the present enrollment and the NESDEC projected enrollment, the program will include two FTE classroom teachers and two FTE teaching assistants.

Staffing and Training A full day kindergarten program will not require additional staff from the present school year. Kindergarten staff will receive additional training through workshops, conferences and visitations to other schools related to the transition to a full-day program.

Space In , due to decreased enrollment, one section of second grade will be eliminated. This offers the opportunity to utilize available classrooms for full-day kindergarten.

Cost of Program There are no additional increases in the staffing levels or salary costs as a result of adding a full-day program. Instructional materials for Math will need to be purchased at an estimated cost of $1,100.

Community Input The committee recommends that the BOE seeks feedback from parents and community members on the opportunity for full-day kindergarten. The BOE will also need to make presentations to other Pomfret boards and community groups.

Pros and Cons ProsCons More consistent academic growth for all children Participation in all-day kindergarten relates positively to subsequent school performance Greater academic progress in kindergarten and higher levels of first-grade readiness Greater progress for all-day kindergarten children in literacy, math, and general learning skills Children who attend all-day kindergarten score higher on standardized tests Support and enhancement of SRBI Reduction of long-term and costly special education and remedial education placement Promotes more hands-on, discovery learning opportunities Closer ties and information sharing between parents and teachers Retention of present staff PCS will be competitive with area schools and schools within the State Inability to fully implement the kindergarten Common Core State Standards Possible growth of kindergarten enrollment in the future Minimal financial implications for the budget

Summary Research and practice indicates full- day kindergarten will have a positive impact on students’ social, emotional and academic learning not only in kindergarten but also in the subsequent years of their education.