Chapter 7: Roman Art Lesson 9: Pantheon & Trajan
Warm-up Ch.7 L9 Roman Art Respond to the Following: 1.Identify this structure. 2.What is its function? 3.Describe the narrative of the work. 4.What are the stylistic characteristics of the work? Obj: SWBAT analyze how the Pantheon reflects community with the earth and the heavens. HW: Review Cue cards for chapter 1 and 2
3 Column of Trajan (Imperial) 110 CE Size: 128 ft Medium: marble F: burial for Trajan’s ashes, impress visitors with Trajan’s conquests, spiral staircase inside NARRATIVE: Statue of Trajan on top: he is “larger than Rome” (now the statue is St. Peter) Military Narrative: Trajan conducts sacrifices to the gods, addresses his troops, supervises military campaign (commander of a well-run army), defeat of the Dacians Focus is on the emperor Dacian enemies shown as strong opponents-- Romans won because of their superior organization, powerful army and inherent superiority
4 Column of Trajan (Imperial) 110 CE STYLE: Low relief, spiral frieze narrative Crowded composition, unified by landscape elements and architecture Figures appear large at the top—visibility/optical illusion Figures emphasized over architecture SIGNIFICANCE: Imperial propaganda Trajan is strong stable, efficient Trajan’s tomb – how does this reflect his view of life and Roman values?
Announcements: Substitute on Tues 11/18 Test on Thurs 11/20 & Friday 11/21 Thanksgiving HW: Chapter 16 China, Cue Cards Winter Break HW: Chapter 17 Japan, Cue Cards Agenda: Warm-up Announcements and Reminders Agenda: Warm-up Announcements and Reminders Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00 Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00
S HORT A NSWER R ESPONSE Describe how these sculptures represent the power and privilege of the patricians in Ancient Rome. Provide at least 3 pieces of visual and/or contextual evidence.
The Roman Empire
Pantheon exterior
reconstruction with forecourt
13 Pantheon (Imperial) 125 CE Rome, Italy MEDIUM: concrete, brick, marble FUNCTION: Temple to ALL the gods PATRON: Hadrian (Emperor) STYLE: Corinthian columns on porch Double pediments 27 ft. oculus Originally built on a high podium
Pantheon (diagram) 125 CE STYLE/CONSTRUCTION (cont): Engineering— Concrete mixture gets lights as walls get higher use of basalt and pumice Its Height = its width 142” x 142” Buttresses are disguised by marble 14
Check for Understanding 1. What makes the construction of the Pantheon revolutionary?
Pantheon (diagram) 125 CE STYLE/CONSTRUCTION (cont): Brilliant decoration inside rotunda, statues of the gods Interior convex floor coffers (recessed panels) in ceiling – relieve the weight of the dome Oculus creates a beam of light on sunny days 16
Check for Understanding 2. Why do you think the floor was made convex? Where have we seen this before? 3. What are “coffers?” Why does this structure have them?
Pantheon interiorCoffers
Painting by Giovanni Pannini Pantheon interior
20 Pantheon Interior SIGNIFICANCE/Meaning: Advanced design and engineering was revolutionary Like 2 intersecting circles--Romans understood uninterrupted SPACE – a vault to the heavens protecting the orb of the earth Empty, light filled = feeling of rising up to commune with the gods Sun’s rays symbolize Jupiter’s “all-seeing” eye
Exit Slip How does the Pantheon reflect the idea of community with the heavens/gods?
US Capital Building Exterior US Capital Building interior Pantheon Exterior