Honourable Carolyn Bennett, M.D., M.P. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association October 20, 2011
2 imperative Send AND Receive
3 Patient as Partner Patient knows body best Provider knows the system best Ask people what’s wrong and listen, together develop a plan Democracy between elections….. same thing Citizen as Partner
4 Fair Transparent Takes people seriously
5 One of the cornerstones of democracy has been to provide public ‘spaces’ in which citizens can discuss ideas The web provides a new and important ‘space’ This can change the notion of “representative democracy”
6 Information Consultation Participation
7 Timing ‘Assured Listening’ – EKOS Tracking Successes / Feedback processes
“Politics in Canada has always been the art of making the necessary possible. D eciding what ‘s necessary is POLITICAL Peter C. Newman
“Good public policy is developed when the policy-makers can keep in their mind’s eye the people affected.” Jane Jacobs
10 “People don’t want to govern they want to be heard.” “Civic efficacy” “Two-way accountability”
The most important tool Truly believe that you get better public policy and more relevant and responsive programs 11
Elections Canada data Election YearVoter Turnout (%)
1. MPs in the riding 2. MPs in their non- geographic constituencies, opposition critics 3. MPs as Parliamentary committee members 4. MPs in collaboration with government 5. MPs as Political Party members 6. MP’s supporting MP’s internationally 14
Newsletters Neighbourhood check-ups - 17 ‘natural’ Town Halls, Roundtables, Parliamentary Clinics Tabulation Schools Grade 5 – Canadian Government Grade 10 – Civics (compulsory) Website – interactive Facebook chat weekly 15
Sundays at 9, Facebook Chat
An Innovative Way to Interact with Constituents Telephone townhalls or TeleForums tm are large-scale, interactive town hall meetings conducted over the telephone. These meetings enable clients to reach thousands of members of their target audience simultaneously in a very cost-effective manner, to share and discuss ideas, ask questions and collect data for follow-up. A typical program format is 60 minutes with a host interviewing the candidate or incumbent. Guests may be added to the program to add interest. Audience members can press a key on their telephone and speak to a screener, who enters their question into the system where it can be previewed by the host. The host can select questions to be asked and can decide whether to invite the audience member to pose the question directly. Also during the program the host or candidate may poll the audience, which responds via their key pads. The poll results are available immediately and may be shared with the audience. All reports relating to the broadcast, participation, questions and poll results can be downloaded by the client a few minutes after the end of the program and the raw data uploaded to the client’s database. TELEPHONE TOWNHALLS
How It Works The client chooses where they wish to target the phone calls. A TeleForum tm invitation can be sent to a few thousand or 500,000 homes. About 15 minutes prior to the start of the broadcast, the phone numbers are dialed and the audience is presented with a 30-second recorded message, typically: “Please stay on the line to join a live, interactive forum with your Member of Parliament……” When the broadcast begins, the host and candidate speak uninterrupted for the first five minutes, periodically welcoming audience members and reminding them to press “*3” if they would like to ask a question. An operator enters the name and location of the caller into a Web interface along with a summary of their question. The screened questions appear in a queue for the program host. The host selects the best questions from the queue and questions can be ranked on a priority basis by the screeners, including questions from selected members of the audience. Once the host takes the first question, the remainder of the hour proceeds much like a radio talk show, mixing questions and answers, guests and interactive polling. When the town hall ends, callers still on the line are invited to record messages to which the candidate can later respond. All reports and data are available to the client immediately after the broadcast.
TeleForum tm Advantages Versatility, Flexibility and Control -The host, politician and staff can select the topic, screen callers, choose the participants with whom they wish to speak, ask interactive poll questions and get immediate responses, thus building their constituent base. The convenience for the host politician derives from the ability to schedule a telephone town hall with little advance notice, choose any topic and interact directly with the audience. The audience members can participate without leaving their homes. Participation Levels - Thirty-second invitation calls are sent out to 100% of the target list everyone and reach a live respondent or answering machines, creating broad awareness. According to industry norms, approximately 15% of voters stay on the phone to listen to the program for an average of 17 minutes. Of those respondents who stay on the phone, nearly half participate by asking a question or answering a poll question. Data Collection – Clients can collect up-to-date addresses, drive people to Web or Facebook pages, create issue-oriented mailing lists, and respond to inquiries via voic s left by callers after the broadcast. All data collected is linked directly to the participant and presented in an easy-to-use format.
Health reform Women’s issues Disability issues Middle – east Gay rights 28
Seniors e-summit – June 12 th 2008 Use technology to access non-geographic constituents Seniors Food policy Health goals Able to have grass roots discussion with Canadians across the country
31 E-Seniors Summit June 12, 2008
84 RECOMMENDATIONS!! Including… Framework Recommendation I: Move immediately to take steps to promote active aging and healthy aging and to combat ageism Framework Recommendation II: Provide leadership and coordination through initiatives such as a National Integrated Care Initiative, a National Caregiver Strategy, a National Pharmacare Program, and a federal transfer to address the needs of provinces with the highest proportion of the aging population Framework Recommendation III: Ensure the financial security of Canadians by addressing the needs of older workers, pension reform and income security reform Framework Recommendation IV: Facilitate the desire of Canadians to age in their place of choice with adequate housing, transportation, and integrated health and social care services Framework Recommendation V: Act immediately to implement changes for those populations groups for which it has a specific direct service responsibility, and in relation to Canada’s official language commitments
QUESTION PERIOD - June 13, 2008 Hon. Carolyn Bennett (St. Paul's, Lib.)Hon. Carolyn Bennett (St. Paul's, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, yesterday I hosted an Internet summit so that our leader could listen to the needs of seniors from coast to coast. Seniors were clear. There is a pressing need for affordable housing in this country, but the Conservative government is not listening. It has made zero investments in affordable housing for seniors. In fact, in 2006 the Conservatives cut $200 million that had been allocated by the Liberals. Why does the Prime Minister not listen? Why is he denying Canadian seniors the right to live with dignity?Prime Minister
Canadians Make the Rules Tour – October, 2010 Use technology to access non-geographic constituents Able to have grass roots discussion with Canadians across the country
Policy Process ? Separate site for riding association? 42
Total number of posts (En famille):2,056 Townhallsin – person 3 Townhallson-line 9 Regional in-person and Elluminate 6 Proposal Submissions from Members 6 s, phone callstoo numerous to count
47 Leadership Race
Best practices in legislation Personal support Complementary…IPU, CPA etc. 51
Better public policy – unusual coalitions presenting real solutions Better legislation, better implementation Better scrutiny – what questions to ask Better relationships between citizens and their representatives Ultimate goal: a more robust democracy !! great people will run, citizens will vote 52
Physical and mental energy come from feeling in control of your life, having real choices, and being involved with other to find ways of organizing change for the better. Barbara Rogers 53