Welcome to Curriculum Night Presented by Ms. Lovett 1.Please make sure to sign in! 2.If your child’s name is highlighted on the sign in sheet, please leave your e- mail. 3.Take 2 Star Bucks. I will explain what these are for later. 4.Use an index card to write a note to your child.
Special Classes Monday PE Tuesday Art Wednesday Computer Lab Thursday Music Friday Library Friday Choices
Classroom Schedule Uninterrupted Math: 8:00-9:30 Uninterrupted LA and IFG: 12:00-1:50 Recess: 10:45 – 11:05 Lunch: 11:05 – 11:25 Healthy Snack Break everyday except Wednesday
Classroom Management Clear classroom rules Procedures that clearly indicate all expectations for classroom routines Rewards students for: Behavior that exemplifies good character Kind actions Work above and beyond what was asked for Working well in a group Good reports from Special Area teachers Consequences for: Breaking class rules Irresponsible behaviors Poor time management Negative report from Special Area teachers Poor work or homework completion
Friday Choices Activity Choice Cinema Choice Scholar’s Choice Life Skill Choice
Homework & Communication Homework Folder Must be brought to school each day Take Home Folder for other communication Homework Weekly homework will always include spelling, vocabulary, writing, and math. Monthly Homework Homework assigned on Friday and due on Friday (most weeks) Required reading is 20 minutes 4 nights a week Signature required for completion grade Communication s Biweekly Newsletter Think Sheet Phone Calls How can you help your student stay organized? Please empty the Homework Folder each night to keep the dreaded “folder clutter” at a minimum. Help students pace their assignments so homework time stays stress free.
Math: Common Core Standards Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division Understand properties of multiplication and division Multiply and divide within 100 Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify patterns in math Number and Operations in Base Ten (NBT) Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic Numbers and Operations – Fractions (NF) Develop an understanding of fractions as numbers
Math: Common Core Standards Measurement and Data Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of Time Liquid Volume Mass of objects Geometric measurement Area and its relationship to multiplication Perimeter and its relationship to addition Geometry Reason with shapes and their attributes
Mathematical Practices Standard 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Standard 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Standard 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively Standard 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively Standard 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Standard 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Standard 4: Model with mathematics Standard 4: Model with mathematics Standard 5: Use appropriate tools strategically Standard 5: Use appropriate tools strategically Standard 6: Attend to precision Standard 6: Attend to precision Standard 7: Look for and make use of structure Standard 7: Look for and make use of structure Standard 8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Standard 8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Cognitive Guided Instruction Learning through problem solving Learning to solve problems in multiple ways Learning to communicate ideas, strategies, & solutions
Language Arts Harcourt Trophies Vocabulary Comprehension Guided Comprehension Independent Reading IFG Literacy Work Stations Spelling Writing Six-Trait Writing Reader’s Response Journals Friendly Letter Personal Narratives Additional Activities Read Aloud Independent Reading Cursive D.O.L. (Daily Oral Language) Writing across the curriculum Science Social Studies Math
Science PPhysics of Sound SSound & Vibrations LLight EEarth RRocks & Volcanoes EErosion & Weathering LLiving Things PPlants AAnimals
Social Studies “Our Communities” Harcourt American History (i.e. exploration, civil war, immigration) World History (i.e. early civilizations, exploration) Civics/Government (i.e. voting, Civil War) Geography/Map Skills Economics Cultural Diversity
Technology 5 laptops, 1 desktop, projection system, document camera, and a Smart Board Computer Lab Literacy/Math Centers
Lifelong Guidelines Trustworthiness Truthfulness Active Listening No Put-Downs Personal Best
Life Skills Caring Common Sense Cooperation Courage Courtesy Effort Flexibility Friendship Initiative Integrity Organization Patience Perseverance Pride Problem Solving Resourcefulness Responsibility Sense of Humor
We’re in this TOGETHER! Communication s Biweekly Newsletter Think Sheet Phone Calls Check homework for accuracy. Having your student turn in their personal best each Friday will encourage good work habits. Help your child stay organized Look at the quality of work coming home and for the quality of work returning to school.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to a very successful year with your children! Voice mail
Join Mr. Fallgatter in the library immediately following this presentation (starts at 7:00).