This slide will not be shown but is a reminder on tutor notes that Anatomy and Physiology DVD to be shown here.
Top 4 risks: Too many uninterrupted repetitions Overhead work Excess force Awkward and unnatural postures Other risk factors: Prolonged periods of static posture Failing to take frequent short breaks Contact stress Temperature extremes Vibration Stress
This slide will not be shown but is a reminder on tutor notes that Safe Principles of MH DVD to be shown here
Exercise Diet Hydration Clothes Shoes Mattress
Manual Handling Policy – on trust intranet. Risk Assessment Process – where are yours, find out today and ensure you know what is expected of you. Provision and Use of equipment – use it, don’t abuse it. Communication – via and trust intranet. Information – via trust intranet A- Z Services M – Manual Handling Reporting of incidents and accidents - via Safeguard. Training – how often and what mode of training is available. Support – who and how
The Law Risk Factors and Injuries Safe Principles of Manual Handling Advice and Support Manual Handling Advisor Manual Handling Key Worker Health and Safety Team Thank you for Listening, any questions??
Q9. The Manual Handling Operation Regulations (MHOR) 1992 recommends that you should? 0 of 5 1.Assess, Assess, Assess. 2.Stop, Think, Plan. 3.Avoid, Assess, Reduce. 4.Look, Listen, Learn.
Q10. What does PUWER stand for? 0 of 5 1.Provision and use of work equipment regulations 2.Provide useful work equipment regularly 3.It should say POWER but someone can’t spell 4.Provision and misuse of work equipment regulations
Please make your selection... 1.Choice One 2.Choice Two 3.Choice Three 4.Choice Four of 5 Q11. Which is the safest?
Q12. Manual Handling injuries cause many lost working days within the organisation. What are the commonest reasons for these injuries ? 1.Pushing and pulling heavy loads. 2.Lifting and carrying items that at to heavy or awkward. 3.Carrying out a repetitive activity. 4.All of the above 0 of 5
Any further Questions?