Behavioral and Decision Science (BDS) Baruch Fischhoff Carnegie Mellon University Department of Social and Decision Sciences Department of Engineering and Public Policy CEDM Annual Meeting May 20, 2014
Observations Applied departments struggle to support basic BDS research Disciplinary departments struggle to support complex, collaborative interventions Practitioners struggle to find authoritative input on BDS issues 2
Goal Create a resource center supporting CEDM research and addressing emerging topics. 3
Goals Create a resource center supporting CEDM research and addressing emerging topics. -- quality assurance -- economies of scope -- personal relationships -- conduct applied basic research -- stimulate basic applied research 4
Principles Collaborative Poly-theoretic As complex as needed Multi-method Multi-level Open
Activities Research Consultation Leverage Outreach
Some Current Research: Energy Improve do-it-yourself energy workshops [also NYSERDA] Increase adoption of energy efficiency measures in Class B and C commercial buildings [also RK Mellon] Incorporate beliefs, values & identity into energy development on the Navajo Nation Improve accuracy of beliefs about residential energy use
Some Current Research: Climate Design a decision-support tool for storm surge for coastal planners [also Rockefeller] Improve response & preparedness for severe storm impacts [also NOAA] Enhance adaptation & resilience in dry tropical social-ecological systems [also Belmont] Improve the science of science communication [also NAS]
Some New Projects Applying the Hawthorne Effect Strategy [also Scott Institute] Develop methods for measuring appliance electricity use Visualizing flooding [also Carnegie Natural History Museum] Understanding the use of environmental and social cues about severe storms [also UCAR] Communicating uncertainty [also CU]
Some Proposals Under Review Ecosystem services for offshore marine resources (UCSB) Urban sustainability (Michigan, Cincinnati) Preparation and resilience for severe storms (UCI, UF, FLASH, ASCE) Evidence and Judgment (Lund, Leeds, Harvard)
Some Seminars Topics Community energy programs Cybersecurity for the grid Energy consumption perceptions Framing and priming effects Social science research network for utilities …
Informal Consultation: Venues Graduate students Undergraduate honors theses Undergraduate project course Faculty members Informal science educators Community leaders (for public engagement) Proposal writing
Informal Consultation: Topics River flooding warnings Perceptions of wind power Climate adaptation Valuation of uninterrupted energy supply Public engagement Interviews about drought Perceptions of air pollution
Some Outreach Sackler Colloquia on the Science of Science Communication (PNAS) NJ Futures Surging Seas/Climate Central Carnegie Museum of Natural History Consumers Union