Governor’s Scholars Program 2014 - 2015
What is GSP? The Governor’s Scholar Program is a five-week uninterrupted residential summer program that takes place on a KY College campus The Governor''s Scholars Program seeks to help exceptional students: achieve their academic and personal potential; cultivate their leadership capabilities; expand their horizons; and develop the students'' flexibility, creativity and critical thinking. The Program seeks to do this while heightening the students'' sensitivity to future possibilities for themselves, Kentucky, and society. It strives to stimulate, encourage, and reward excellence in Kentucky schools. Governors Scholars are considered the best and the brightest students from the state!
Why Should I Apply to GSP? Gov. Scholars are awarded SCHOLARSHIPS!!! Visit to view a sample of the scholarships that are offered to GSP participants. Opportunity to meet new people, experience college living, and create lasting bonds. Chance to extend future possibilities of yourself.
You are eligible to apply to GSP. Who Can Apply? If you are an 11th grader Intend on returning to a KY school next year (not graduating early) Have taken the ACT, PSAT, or SAT in the 9th, 10th or 11th grades. OR signed up to take the Oct. ACT or PSAT. You are eligible to apply to GSP.
The Application Located on the GSP website AND the Counseling Office Webpage- under Juniors Requires one essay Requires at least 1 Teacher Recommendation Form that must be completed by a CORE subject teacher. Requires at least 1 Community Leader Rec. Form that is in NO way associated with the school. Can only be filled out online Must be typed entirely
Submitting Your Application Application can only be submitted to Mrs. Bruce DEADLINE: DUE DECEMBER 2nd, 2014 NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED!
Recommendation Forms Decide which teacher you want to complete your recommendation. Give your Teacher Rec Form to the selected teachers ASAP A two week notice for completing the form is needed, so do not wait on this part. Teacher Rec Forms are submitted to Mrs. Bruce, not student. Community Rec. Form can not be completed by anyone associated with the school at all- not even a club or team. It is the student’s responsibility to deliver the Community Rec. Form to Mrs. Bruce with the rest of their application.
Help for Completing Application The Detailed Application Session – October 13th @ 3:30-4:30, Cafeteria TCHS Help Session from our Faculty and Past Scholars- November- time and date TBD Bring a completed draft to help sessions- cant help without it!! GSP Representatives Help Session- Nov. 15th @ Transy- Time TBD “Helpful Hints” –on GSP website & Counseling Office site. This is a step by step guide and examples of what they are looking for on apps. Counseling website- GSP page under students- juniors
Frequently Asked Questions Q. What kind of test scores and GPA do I need? A. Your application is scored as an over-all. A certain amount of points is awarded for each score and GPA. There are several pieces of info that are used, that are all important. Our best advice is to take your time on every part of the application, do your best on the essays, and choose teachers who know you well. Q. Will I be able to choose what focus area I take at GSP. A. Yes. You will list your options on the application in rank order.
Additional Questions?? If you have more questions or need help with the application, there are several people who can help you. Mrs. Bruce Mrs. Schlich Your Counselor Your English Teacher And Last Year’s Governor’s Scholars
This is an INCREDIBLE opportunity This is an INCREDIBLE opportunity! Hear it from all 24 of our 2014-15 Scholars….