WHO CAN BE AN ORW? An ORW should: Preferably be from drug using community (ex-user and/or undergoing OST) Be a local resident of the project area Know the local language Should understand the local cultural and social context Be able to read and write
WHO CAN BE A PE? A current/active user: Who exhibits the aptitude and desire to work among peers Belonging to vast networks is ideal Should be a local resident of the project area and have a good understanding of the drug use context of the area Should have the goodwill of his peers (should be accepted by peers) Should know local language
QUALITIES OF AN ORW An Outreach Worker should: Have strong commitment to work with IDU Have respect for IDU and their partners Have ability to reach and relate to IDU on their terms, and communicate concern Exhibit potential and confidence for leadership Be flexible in approach to various lifestyles of IDU Be able to follow directions, yet take initiative Maintain confidentiality
CONTD. An Outreach Worker should: Be able to take risks and discern when risks are unacceptable Be able to work alone as well as in a team Be tough-minded but not judgemental Be stable, mature and creative Have communicative, organisational and record keeping skills Have the ability to network and familiarity with health and social services
QUALITIES OF A PE A Peer Educator should: Have ability to remain non-judgmental Exhibit active concern for peers Maintain confidentiality Demonstrate good listening and learning skills Be eager to establish oneself as IDU role model; ability to influence ‘peer norms’ Have the ability to control their drug use at work
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ORW Develop work plan Identify Peer Educators and stakeholders Meet regularly with Peer Educator Build capacity of, monitor and supervise PE Provide education on HIV/AIDS, STI, BBV, safer injecting, safer sex practices, sex, sexuality and gender, overdose, importance of early treatment and services available Engage in analysis & problem solving
CONTD. Ensure regular and uninterrupted delivery of harm reduction materials Engage in risk reduction/behaviour change communication Initiate formation of IDU support groups, facilitate group/s meetings and foster activities that strengthens group bonding cohesion Organize advocacy/meetings
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PE Initiate contact with peers (rapport building) and maintain regular contact in a planned manner Support sharing of information within networks and between networks Facilitate linkages between peers and project (workers and services) Educate peers on STI/HIV, and other BBVs, harm reduction etc. through one-on-one and one to group sessions Conduct individual risk assessment of peers
CONTD. Teach peers to negotiate safer injecting and safer sex practices Deliver (and assist peers to access) harm reduction services such as NSEP, STI etc. Assist in referrals to ICTC/DOTS and allied health care services; Represent peer interests at various platforms Motivate peers to join/participate in support groups activities and facilitate the group development processes