Julie Thompson MEDT 7477 Dr. Cooper Spring 2012
Network/Wiring Diagram for Media Center Network/Wiring Diagram for middle and high school Report of MDFs Diagram of Media Center MDF Report on Wiring Configuration Report on IDFs
High School Stairs Middle School Stairs Magazine Room LMS Office Workroom Magazine Room Storage Office 22 computers elevator 2 2 Book Return Magazine Carousel MDF Circulation computers LMS office computer Wireless Printers CAT 5 wire leading to MDF CAT 5 wire leading from MDF to IDFs
MEDIA CENTER MDF Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF) MDF Main Office Front High School Hall Back High School Hall Front Middle School Hall Back Hall – Connections & Technology Main Distribution Frame (MDF) Diagram of Towns County Middle/High School Network Components and Wiring Configuration CAT 5 Enhanced Wire
The MDF is located in the media center. It contains the core switch which all IDF’s, servers, and the internet connect to. Between the core switch and the internet there are multiple devices including a border firewall, content filter, primary firewall, and core router which controls all internet traffic in and out of the school system. Towns County Schools has two sources of internet: AT&T which is provided by the GADOE and, for supplemental bandwidth, Blue Ridge Mountain EMC fiber.
Core Switch Core Router Primary Firewall Content Filter Border Firewall Battery Power Web Server Diagram of MDF Main Distribution Frame Located in the Towns County Middle/High School Media Center CAT 5 wire leading from MDF to IDFs Internet Internet Service entering MDF
The MDF uses Category 5E wiring to connect to the IDFs. This wiring has an electrical length of 100 meters; therefore, in order to efficiently serve all computers in the school, there are four IDF locations. The wiring is run from the upstairs media center down into the ceiling of the bottom floor. It runs through the ceiling to each of the five IDF locations. Then, Cat 5 wire is run from the IDF to each individual computer in the school.
Due to the size of the school and the type of wiring used, there are five total IDFs in the system that are located on each wing of the school system and in the main office. The number of IDFs is efficient and necessary due to the limitation of the electrical length. (100 meters from MDF) Every computer in the school has ONE connection back to an IDF. Each IDF has a battery to ensure uninterrupted power in case of power surges or blinking.