Sound pollution Sound pollution is excessive, displeasing human, animal or machine-created environmental noise that disrupts the activity of human or animal
Causes of sound pollution Vehicles in the city especially during peak hours contribute to sound pollution in the city.
Causes of sound pollution Construction of buildings, houses, and shops also results in sound pollution around us which make us feel uncomfortable!
Causes of sound pollution Production of woods by using heavy machine indirectly can also cause sound pollution around us.
The end to the causes of sound pollution…..
Effects of sound pollution Hearing Problems: Exposure to noise can damage our ear. Hearing impairment due to noise pollution can either be temporary or permanent. When the sound level crosses the 70 decibel mark, it becomes noise for the ear. Noise levels above 80 decibels produce damaging effects to the ear. When ear is exposed to extreme loud noise (above 100 decibels) for a considerable period of time, it can cause irreparable damage and lead to permanent hearing loss.
Effects of sound pollution Sleep Disturbances: This is one of the noise pollution effects that can deter your overall well being. Noise can interrupt a good night's sleep, and when this occurs, the person feels extremely annoyed and uncomfortable. People deprived of uninterrupted sleep show a sharp dip in their energy levels which often results into extreme fatigue. This can considerably decrease a person's ability to work efficiently.
Effects of sound pollution
Effects of sound pollution Mental Health Problems: Exposure to loud sound can lead to elevated stress levels as well as stimulate violent behavior. A constant noise in the vicinity can also trigger headaches, make people tense and anxious, and disturb emotional balance.
Ways to Reduce sound pollution If you live in a noisy city or near an airport, you can reduce noise in your home considerably by installing dual-paned windows, weather stripping, and even added insulation. As a bonus, these changes can also reduce your heating and cooling bills, and help the environment!
The End….