Taiga/Boreal Forest Team C Joseph Branderbit Trevor Dawson Gaby Flaksman
Location Largest biome in world Located in North America, North Europe, Northern Asia South of Tundra Northern Hemisphere
Climate Yearly temperature, -10° C to 14° C Precipitation yearly, 35 cm Mostly swampy Cold during winter Cooler during the summer
Plants and adaptation s
Conifers Mostly conifers Birch, spruce, willow, alder, fir, pine Trees that produce seeds are conifers
Plants Adaptations All plants survive cold weather Provide food Sap defense
Animal Adaptions
Animals Black and grizzly bears Snowshoe hare Elk Moose Deer Voles Canadian lynx
Animals adaptions Snowshoe hare and ermine Change colors in winter Snowshoe hare and Canada lynx Both have wide paws to travel easier on snow Bears Uninterrupted sleep Moles and shrews Build homes under ground for shelters and protection
Environmental Issues Acid Rain Forest fires Deforestation