Library Research Support Trial (LibReST) Jenny Mitchell Faculty Librarian (Health Sciences) Kendra Watson Faculty Librarian (Science, Technology & Engineering) 1 st June 2012
Library Research focus
Learning & Research Services research development Enhanced Library research support service = contribute to key objectives in the University Research Plan Increasing the level of organisational support, assistance and advice available to researchers, and identifying research training needs
Research Support The Charles La Trobe Lounge Artist’s Impression
LibReST Library Research Support trial (LibReST) is designed to explore the feasibility of the provision of advanced research support by the faculty librarian group in Learning and Research Services
LibReST LibReST focused on how faculty librarians can contribute to the work of researchers within the Faculty of Health Sciences, for those conducting preliminary literature reviews preparing grant applications working on funded projects involving systematic literature reviews
LibReST Used a standard framework for reporting literature searches (STARLITE) with the aim of developing a: systematic efficient sustainable model identify potential opportunities for future research support services
Elements of the STARLITE mnemonic Booth, A. (2006). “Brimful of STARLITE”: toward standards for reporting literature searches. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 94(4), 421. S: Sampling strategy Comprehensive: attempts to identify all relevant studies on the topic Selective: attempts to identify all relevant studies but only within specified limits Purposive: samples from specific disciplines, years, journals T: Type of studies Fully reported: describes actual study types (e.g., grounded theory) or designs to be included Partially reported: uses an ‘‘umbrella’’ category such as ‘‘qualitative studies’’ without defining what this means A: Approaches _ Approaches other than electronic subject searches (see below) Example: hand-searching Citation snowballing R: Range of years (start date–end date) Fully reported: includes start and end dates with justification for time period chosen Partially reported: includes start and end dates but only determined available coverage of databases L: Limits Functional limits that are applied for logistic reasons but do not alter the topic conceptually (e.g., human, English etc.) I: Inclusion and exclusions Conceptual limitations that mediate the scope of the topic area (e.g., geographical location, setting, or a specific focus of study) T: Terms used Fully present: example of a sample search strategy from one or more of the main databases Partially present: reports terminology used but without evidence of search syntax and operators E: Electronic sourcesReports databases used and, optimally, search platforms and vendors to assist in replication
Process Feb-mid year 2012 Working Group = 3 Faculty Librarians & 1 Researcher who provided 2 cases for trial Dr Dell Horey PhD - Researcher Faculty of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences Research Melbourne (Bundoora) Sharon Karasmanis HSci Jenny Mitchell HSci Kendra Watson STE & Endnote
Test Cases for STARLITE framework
Group Journal Log A Group Journal Log was used to record the process of the trial Provided a reflection of what worked and what could be improved
Web form template
Request Form step 1
Request Form – step 2
Request Form – step 3
Report Back Form For trial the Report Back process involved: STARLITE template form with additional information e.g. subject terms/headings used Screenshots of search histories Accounts created for each database searched Endnote file attached to
Next Steps Report Back Form amendments Trial Customised Search Service forms with Health Sciences Transfer to other discipline areas Levels of service Training requirements Identify restrictions Efficient uninterrupted work process Greater access to expanded, streamlined research support services