Gestalt Therapy Fritz Perls Chapter 9
The Case of Jessica 30-year-old divorced African American female Mother of 5-year-old son Self-referred for therapy due to: Violence in current relationship Appears to be open to counseling
Basic Philosophy Neutral view of humans Humanistic Existential Emphasize individual choice and responsibility Holistic: People can’t be separated from their environment People cannot be divided into parts – there is no separation between the mind and body
Human Motivation Behavior is motivated by the drive to satisfy: Biological needs Psychological needs Interpersonal needs Humans regulate behavior to facilitate growth
Central Constructs Contact Assimilation Contact Boundary Needs Gestalt Figure Ground
Central Constructs The cycle of awareness
Central Constructs Polarities Contact Disturbance Introjection Projection Confluence Retroflection Isolation Deflection
Theory of the Person Initially a variation of the developmental theory of psychoanalysis Current gestalt theory has little developmental or personality theory Childhood events that inhibit satisfaction of needs are acknowledged
Psychological Health and Dysfunction Health Is interconnected with the environment Is aware of needs Is able to satisfy needs Takes responsibility for choices Assigns meaning to experience
Psychological Health and Dysfunction Dysfunction (Dis-Ease) Denying what is unpleasant Emotions are symbolic of unmet needs Has unfinished business
Nature of Therapy No Formal Assessments Role of Counselor Authentic Remains aware of his/her experience of the client Role of Client Continuously engages in the process of self-discovery Takes what is offered in therapy and tests it to see if it fits other aspects of his/her life
Nature of Therapy Goals Client is to gain awareness Client applies what is learned in therapy to his/her life
Process of Therapy Relationship Provides a medium through which awareness is explored Increase Awareness Interruptions in awareness are what brings the client to therapy Experiment Allow clients to try things out in the safe atmosphere of therapy
Process of Therapy Techniques Therapist self- disclosure Dialogs Playing the projection Exaggeration Reversals Techniques Dream work Working with polarities Awareness training Making the rounds I Take Responsibility
Evaluation Qualities Precise Testable Stimulating Empirical validity Research Support Outcome research Theory-testing research
Issues of Individual and Cultural Diversity Pros Counselor works with the client in the context of his/her environment Awareness and personal power Cons Individualism Expressiveness Self-disclosure Lack of focus on content