Poverty & fertility decline: evidence & research needs Population Impacts on Economic Development: Research Conference London 1 st - 3 rd November 2006 Susannah Mayhew London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Global Context Tension between “SRH” and FP MDGs for ‘poverty alleviation’ – ignored then recognised population/SRH Decline in FP funding and commodities, especially in Africa Widespread assumption that population ‘problem’ is solved Continuing rapid population growth & unmet need in Africa
2000 need = 8 billion condoms 2015 need = 18.6 billion condoms Since LDCs lost all/some USAID condom & contraceptive supplies
Population Trends: no room for complacency Population Growth by Development Groups, UN 2004 World Population Projections for
Impact of fertility decline on poverty Strong evidence when fertility declines: Maternal mortality is reduced Child mortality is reduced Enrolment in primary education is increased Gender equality improves Some evidence when fertility declines: Pressure on marginal lands is decreased Food and water security is enhanced Under/un-employment is reduced Risk of civil/political unrest is decreased
Maternal, neo-natal & child mortality; gender & education
Lifetime risk of dying from pregnancy, by fertility & MMR Source: Marston & Cleland 2004:8, recalculated from idea by Royston & Armstrong If unmet need in Africa was met 33-40% maternal deaths could be eliminated
Source: USAID, 2002.Birth Spacing: Research Update: p.1 1mil deaths of children under 5 could be averted if all birth intervals were above 2 years
Solutions for reducing maternal, neo-natal & child mortality Reduce the total number of pregnancies (and therefore the lifetime risk of dying) Prevent unwanted & high-risk pregnancies Promote post-partum contraception Offer alternatives to unsafe abortion healthier, better educated children are less drain on economies & more economically productive; reduced human & social costs
Enhancing education & gender equality Delay age at marriage (legislation) & first birth (FP) Increase access to services (especially for adolescents: married & unmarried) Policies to support female education & employment Fewer, spaced births enhance opportunities for education, especially of girls … development benefits
Poverty, food/water security, employment & unrest
Poverty & hunger “ One of the ‘ bright spots ’ in development is that faster fertility decline can speed-up poverty reduction ” Professor Michael Lipton, University of Sussex Depends on achieving & capitalising on ‘population dividend’
The ‘Population Dividend’ for Korea
Can Africa achieve a ‘population dividend’?
Strong FP programmes Delay age of marriage Education, especially for women Support of religious & community leaders for FP Economic Commission for Africa, 2002 Achieving the Dividend through policies & programmes
Can Africa capitalise on a ‘population dividend’? Job Opportunities (incl. women) Asia’s ‘green revolution’ possible in Africa? Need strong pro-employment policies Attract foreign investment Multiple stresses in a diverse continent AIDS Conflict Pressures on land and water
Poverty & pressure on fertile land & water In sub-Saharan Africa: 33 countries will double in 50 years 21countries have unmet contraceptive needs of >20% 28 countries rank in the lowest category of the Human Development Index 19 rapidly growing African countries: already lack fertile land, water, resources = humanitarian crises without massive and immediate fertility declines. (Alexandratos 2005) Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Somalia, Uganda will treble in size Population (2005)14 million Total Fertility Rate7.5 Desired number of children8.2 % using modern contraception4.6% Life expectancy45.4 years Infant mortality145 Adult literacy16% % child stunted38% HIV prevalence1.2% Projected population in 2050 if (a) Fertility remains constant80 million (b) Fertility declines to 3.6 by million Niger
Research Priorities thoughts from Anglophone group at the Paris Population & Development meeting Spring 2006
Research Priorities (1) Understand better the links between demographic factors & socio-economic progress: Multi-disciplinary scenario building Research sub-national differences Sector specific research Conflict & demographic security Micro-level factors
Research Priorities (2) Research on attitudes to child bearing/ family size and how change can be facilitated Policy analysis Human rights and women’s group Concept of inter-generational custodianship Social protection & reproductive intentions Mass media influences Reproductive choices for single women
Research Priorities (3) Research into programmes & services Condoms for FP Post-partum contraception Integration of services Mobilising community support New & neglected technologies Contraceptive discontinuation Abortion versus contraception
Policy priorities: “ The lack of investment in family planning is a disaster … It ’ s time to wake up and look at the facts ” Professor John Cleland, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Reduce Population Growth (long term) Mitigate adverse consequences of rapid population growth (interim)