FY07 IT Fee Recommendations Submitted to the Provost by the Provost’s Academic Computing Advisory Committee
IT Fee Review Approved in 2005 $2 per credit hour up to 12 units Initial revenue estimate: $630K Actual FY06 revenue to date: $647K –($752K – 14% Regent’s set aside) IT Fee recommendations overseen by 5 student + 5 faculty/staff subcommittee
Initial $630K FY06 Allocations Approved May 26, 2005 Replace ITS State Funds ($220,000) Wireless for Library ($80,000) PeopleSoft + Vista ($76,590) ITS 24 Hour Support + Lab Hrs ($62,100) ITS Weekend/Evening Staff ($51,460) Library Laptops + RefWorks ($50,000) DSS Web ADA Compliance ($38,000) AZTutor: Online Tutoring ($29,300) Distance Learning Initiatives ($22,550)
Initial Response To IT Fee Very Positive Lumberjack – November 2005 –“Kudos for opening another much-needed 24- hour computer lab” –“Students pay only a modest $2 per credit hour fee for all these improvements” Library computers and wireless used heavily AZTutor rescued ADA text option installed on
FY07 IT Fee RFP PACAC IT Fee Subcommittee 5 students + 5 faculty/staff $264K available funds 14 proposals totaling $585K All proposals considered carefully—students excelled in participation and discussion Five criteria with highest point values for “Value to Students,” “Number of Students Impacted,” and “Fit with NAU Strategic Plan”
FY07 PACAC IT Fee Subcommittee Faculty/Staff: Amer, Blocher, Campbell, Lord, Smalldon Students: Sean Black, Nathan Cagney, Megan Proctor, Kelly Skillen, Adiam Tesfay Facebook photos
FY07 IT Fee Recommendations RankProposal Award Amount 1Student Run Computer Repair Center (ASNAU/Cagney)$25,728 2Circulating Wireless Laptops (Library/Palmer)$61,717 3Incorporating Technological Literacy (English/Boreen)$40,654 4Digital Video and Multimedia Lab (COE/Denzine)$32,542 5Server for GIS and Other Software (ITS/Collette, Cagney)$30,275 6Student Request for Music Software (Music/H. Campbell)$2,723 7Breaching the Disciplinary Digital Divide (CALS/Collentine)$47,642 8Core Router Upgrade (ITS/Collette) [$50K requested]$23,119 Total$264,400
IT Fee Projects Update Student Run Computer Repair Center Contingent on business model & CBA faculty support Erika Rode to report to PACAC November 17 Circulating Wireless Laptops Purchased and in place end of September Seeing high use in library Incorporating Technological Literacy Equipment ordered for 1 classroom as test Plan to install in 4 classrooms in Building 18 by spring semester Digital Video and Multimedia Lab Purchased 28 Dell laptops total due to additional funding Seeing heavy use of laptops in classrooms, and digital camcorders for Performance based assessment project, during Fall semester
IT Fee Projects Update Server for GIS and Other Software Installed test instance of server this fall with MS software Will install GIS software by spring to test Plan to offer service to students by mid-spring Student Request for Music Software Installed and in use during fall semester Breaching the Disciplinary Digital Divide Will make purchases in November Plan to get one classroom installed by spring semester Timeline contingent on Facilities for electrical drops and carpentry Core Router Upgrade Purchased and set for install in December
FY07 IT Fee Unmet Needs $172,300 unmet need for digital projectors: History LabConnell$9,556 Art/Art HistoryCollentine$47,417 Health/NursingDecker$115,335 $148,100 unmet need for Vista, LOUIE, and ResNet network upgrade proposals.