Terminology AngerFamily Body language ProjectionCommunicationDenial Interpersonal skills
Terminology/#2 Defense mechanisms CultureMessageAphasia Personal space SenderRationalization
Terminology/#3 ReceiverSocial Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Regression
Basic Physical and Psychological Needs PhysiologicalSecurityBelongingSelf-esteemSelf-actualization
Unmet Human Needs/Physical Person becomes irritable Weak Complains of hunger Complains of being cold Changes in vital signs
Unmet Human Needs/Psychological AnxiousDepressedAggressiveAngry Physical ailment with no apparent cause
Unmet Human Needs/NA Role Need for comfort Respond with patience CaringEmpathyKindness
Steps in Communication MessageSenderReceiverInterpretation
Steps in Communication/Methods VerbalNon-verbalWrittenElectronic
Communication Breakdown/Verbal Barriers Criticism Value statements InterruptingJudgement
Communication Breakdown/Non- verbal Barriers Body language Eye contact Cultural differences
Communication Breakdown/Physiological Hearing loss Vision loss Response time AphasiaAlzheimer’sMedication
Communication Skills Introduce self Call person by name Ask for an interpreter Describe surroundings Speak slowly and clearly Provide writing materials
Communication Skills/#2 Explain all tasks before doing them Be patient and good listener Use short sentences Use eye contact Speak clearly Avoid criticizing
Communication Skills/#3 Clarify information Be aware of body language Use words the person understands Show interest and respect Use a friendly tone Be positive
Communication/Cultural Beliefs Modesty Touch of body after death Hugging
Communication/Body Language HandsEyesGesturesPostureRegression Personal space
Psychological Defense Mechanisms DenialProjectionAngerRationalization
Family Communication/NA Role Listen to family members Avoid involvement in family matters Maintain confidentiality of resident Give the family information about the facility
Communication/Socio-cultural Factors CultureRituals Beliefs about health care Ways of dealing with conflict
Communication/Emotional Reactions to Illness AngerGriefDependencySuspicionLonelinessGuilt
Feelings of damage Depression Sense of helplessness AnxietyFrustration
Emotional Reactions to Illness/NA Role Observe resident for signs of emotional stress Be a good listener Be patient and understanding Help resident to function independently Let resident know you care Show respect for all cultures or beliefs
Communication Among the Health Care Team VerbalNon-verbalWrittenElectronic