Slide 1 Access to Bandwidth: Proposals for Action Ilsa Godlovitch Regulatory Policy Directorate
Slide 2 Access to Bandwidth OFTEL Consultative Document (Dec 98) “Access to bandwidth - Bringing higher bandwidth services to the consumer” Focused on access to higher bandwidth using DSL technology over BT’s local loop
Slide 3 Key questions Is there demand from residential consumers and SMEs that is not being met? Are there barriers preventing operators and service providers from accessing these consumers? If so, how can this be resolved? 5 options set out… not mutually exclusive
Slide 4 Results of consultation Over 60 responses from a wide variety of bodies Preliminary conclusions: Residential sector has promise of future effective demand, but faces ‘chicken & egg’ situation at present Unmet effective demand in the SME sector and from SPs and operators SPs and operators face barriers to providing services
Slide 5 Options for action Customers need access to services, not access options Service Providers prefer wide accessibility as delivered by Option 4 Operators preferred more control over service delivery and timing, as in Option 2 Options 1, 3 and 5 received less support, though Option 5 is long term goal
Slide 6 Option 2: Partial Baseband Leased Circuit Layer 1 Analogue Access OLO collocated equipment OLO provided equipment Customer SiteBT Local Concentrator Building BT Partial Baseband Leased Circuit NTP NTP/POI MDF
Slide 7 Option 2 - pros and cons Pros Competing choices of higher bandwidth access and more innovation in services Each operator can take its own risk and investment decisions independently of BT Cons Unlikely to deliver to the ‘mass market’ Technical and operational issues Provision of telephony
Slide 8 Option 4: Permanent Virtual Circuit Access Layer 3 Access OLO or SP BT Local Concentrator DSL modem DSLAM NTP NTP/POI ATM switch or IP router providing Permanent Virtual Circuit connection to OLO or SP ATM or IP DSL Access Multiplexer
Slide 9 Option 4 - pros Substantial proportion of UK could be covered quite quickly Thus attractive to many Service Providers Minimises technical and operational problems Customers can retain BT as telephone supplier
Slide 10 Option 4 - cons If pace and extent left to BT: Some effective demand my remain unmet for some time No competition in the network upgrade Choice of technology in the hands of BT If OFTEL to determine extent of roll-out OFTEL would have to substitute its assessment of economic viability for BT’s Highly unattractive
Slide 11 OFTEL’s conclusions on consultative responses The pros and cons of Options 2 and 4 tend to balance each other Need to get the best of both Stimulate competition in both Service Providers and Operator markets Differing needs of residential and SME could be met
Slide 12 Next steps BT has announced service provider products for ADSL (similar to option 4) BT liaising with OFTEL’s compliance directorate Awaiting consultation responses on unbundling proposals And progressing work on Option 2
Slide 13 Consultation How many will take up option 2 What is likely utilisation and where are likely target areas Pricing proposals Views on local loop pricing principles Co-location pricing View on providing telephony Feasibility of splitting the loop
Slide 14 Option 2 work plan The NICC DSL TG has been asked to continue work to produce: Spectral Management Plan to support Option 2 Deployment rules to minimise interference Focus Group of OPF LLU FG has been established to develop guidelines for the provision of: Co-location facilities Operational processes for loops
Slide 15 Key milestones By Oct 99 - Groups scope tasks and terms of reference By June OPF LLU FG and NICC DSL TG complete work and publish conclusions By Jan Collect orders and set up trial Service starts by 1st July 2001
Slide 16 Your participation Welcome participation in industry groups to help resolve technical & operational issues Responses to the consultation invited by 30 Sept. Statement to be published end of Oct.