Welcome DSPS Allocation Formula Overview and Demonstration Webinar January 13, 2015 California Community Colleges, Chancellor’s Office Scott Valverde – (916) Scott Berenson – (916) Telephone access: Passcode:
Welcome to the webinar: Chancellor’s Office Allocation Formula Overview Our session will begin promptly at 1:30 PM Please type questions into the Chat area. Conference will be in “Lecture Mode” for Majority of Presentation. We will open up Line to any unanswered questions, at the end of the Webinar. Before we begin: Connect by phone to hear the presentation and question/answer Dial the telephone conference line: (888) Enter your pass code, which is the same as the password you used to log into the session. Pass Code / PIN for the Session: PARTICIPANT CONFERENCE FEATURES: *0 - Contact the operator for assistance. *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line. The presentation will be archived 90 days The PowerPoint will be available on the DSPS Division website. Technical Difficulty with seeing the presentation: CCC Confer Client Services is available Monday through Friday between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm at ext 1537 or 1554 Presentation Overview
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Agenda Overview of Components of DSPS Formula, Basic Steps. Calculation /mechanics of DSPS Formula – Demonstration. Overview of Components of DHH Formula, Basic Steps. Calculations /mechanics of DHH Formula – Demonstration. Q/A & Wrap up.
DSPS Allocation Formula Primary Components: Base Allocation – Approximately $72K per college. Weighted Student Count (90% of the formula after providing Base). College Effort (10% of the formula after providing Base). Application of the Protective Guarantee.
1.Calculate each college’s Weighted Student Count (from MIS data). 2.Calculate each college’s College Effort (from EOY report data). 3.Calculate an amount for each college’s Weighted Student Count, based on pro rata share. 4.Calculate an amount for each college’s College Effort contribution, based on pro rata share. Basic Steps of Calculating the DSPS Allocations
Basic Steps, cont. 5. Add the WSC amount + CE amount + Base = amount the formula determines each college should receive. 6. Apply the Protective Guarantee (protected at 95%)* *This year -105% (one-time only)
Data is taken from State MIS data report (due first Monday in August). DSPS Students with 4 service contacts or enrollment in a Special Class, separated by primary and secondary disability. Pre-determined weight assigned for each disability category. Multiply primary count x primary weight. Multiply secondary count x secondary weight. Equals Weighted Student Count. Step #1 Calculating Weighted Student Count
WSC Example - Grossmont HearingABILDVisionMobilityOTHERDDLSpeechPSYCHTOTAL Primary Weighted at: Secondary Weighted at: GROSSMONT CUYAMACA Cuyamaca Primary Unweighted Secondary Unweighted Weighted Prim./Second , Grossmont Primary Unweighted ,352 Secondary Unweighted Weighted Prim./Second , TOTAL -- ALL COLLEGES Primary Unweighted4,0034,28215,6102,52810,57439,4516, , ,101 Secondary Unweighted ,5753, ,138 11,556 Weighted Prim./Second.19, , , , , , , , , ,758.55
WSC Example - Grossmont 'WSC Amount for College Amount for Base plus Amt for WSC and Amt for College Effort w/ 105% protection Percent of Final Final Allocation 'WSC Effort College Effort Base Grossmont College 2,278 1,016, , ,813 72,592 1,226, % 1,226,024 SYSTEM TOTAL 176,759 $78,890,930 $28,864,691 $ 8,765,659 $8,202,896 $ 95,859,485 95,754,303 95,852,678
Step #2 – Calculating College Effort Basic Definition of College Effort = All Reported DSPS Expenditures (data taken from EOY report) minus specific sources of Revenue (See below) 1.Expenditures as reported on DSPS EOY Report, Part III. 2.Revenue from these sources (all sources other than District Contributions) DSPS State Allocation (DSPS, DHH, Access to Print) Special Class Revenue (per formula – in EOY report) “Other” Income – Part II of the EOY report DHH minimum required match (4-to-1)
College Effort Example - Grossmont (P2)FTESTotal (P2) Total CCCTotalCollege's DSPS AllocationSpecial ClassOtherDHH fund DSPSProgramEffort or plus Access to PrintRevenueIncome Calculated MatchRevenueExpendituresUnspent Funds Grossmont CCD Grossmont College$969,132$75,3940$101,508$25,377$1,171,411$1,621,926$450,515 System Totals $ 71,581,558 $19,278,820 $9,267,868 $ 7,704,000 $ 1,926,037 $ 109,758,283 $137,872,331 $ 28,114,049
College Effort Example - Grossmont 'WSC Amount for College Amount for Base plus Amt for WSC and Amt for College Effort w/ 105% protection Percent of Final Final Allocation 'WSC Effort College Effort Base Grossmont College 2,278 1,016, , ,813 72,592 1,226, % 1,226,024 SYSTEM TOTAL 176,759 $78,890,930 $28,864,691 $ 8,765,659 $8,202,896 $ 95,859,485 95,754,303 95,852,678
Step #3: Calculating Amount for WSC Each college gets its share of the state’s Weighted Student Count budget, based on this mini formula: 1.The college’s amount of WSC / total WSC statewide = a %. (In Grossmont example 2,278 / 176,759 = (adjust for rounding) 2.Multiple that % x total WSC budget for that year (In Grossmont example: x $78,890,930 = $1,016,619
Amount for WSC Example - Grossmont 'WSC Amount for College Amount for Base plus Amt for WSC and Amt for College Effort w/ 105% protection Percent of Final Final Allocation 'WSC Effort College Effort Base Grossmont College 2,278 1,016, , ,813 72,592 1,226, % 1,226,024 SYSTEM TOTAL 176,759 $78,890,930 $28,864,691 $ 8,765,659 $8,202,896 $ 95,859,485 95,754,303 95,852,678
Step #4: Calculating Amount for CE Each college gets its share of the state’s College Effort budget, based on this mini formula: 1.The college’s amount of CE / total CE statewide = a %. (In Grossmont example 450,515 / 28,864,691 = (adjust for rounding). 2.Multiple that % x total WSC budget for that year (In Grossmont example: x $8,765,659 = $136,813 (adjust for rounding).
Amount for CE Example - Grossmont 'WSC Amount for College Amount for Base plus Amt for WSC and Amt for College Effort w/ 105% protection Percent of Final Final Allocation 'WSC Effort College Effort Base Grossmont College 2,278 1,016, , ,813 72,592 1,226, % 1,226,024 SYSTEM TOTAL 176,759 $78,890,930 $28,864,691 $ 8,765,659 $8,202,896 $ 95,859,485 95,754,303 95,852,678
Step #5: Add/Sum - Amount for WSC, Amount for CE and Base 'WSC Amount for College Amount for Base plus Amt for WSC and Amt for College Effort w/ 105% protection Percent of Final Final Allocation 'WSC Effort College Effort Base Grossmont College 2,278 1,016, , ,813 72,592 1,226, % 1,226,024 SYSTEM TOTAL 176,759 $78,890,930 $28,864,691 $ 8,765,659 $8,202,896 $ 95,859,485 95,754,303 95,852,678
Step #6: Apply the Protective Guarantee 'WSC Amount for College Amount for Base plus Amt for WSC and Amt for College Effort w/ 105% protection Percent of Final Final Allocation 'WSC Effort College Effort Base Grossmont College 2,278 1,016, , ,813 72,592 1,226, % 1,226,024 SYSTEM TOTAL 176,759 $78,890,930 $28,864,691 $ 8,765,659 $8,202,896 $ 95,859,485 95,754,303 95,852,678
DHH Allocation Formula Primary Components: Amount requested / pledged match. “Unmet need” from prior year (calculated by formula). Proportional distribution methodology.
Basic Steps of DHH Allocation Calculation Process 1.Calculate the amount of DHH funds you are qualified to receive. Internally, we refer to this number as your “unmet need.” This is done using DHH WSC figure from prior year. 2.College reports to CCCCO its request for DHH funds and pledges the district match in EOY report. 3.Compare 80% of your unmet need (due to the 4 to 1 match) to the amount the college requested.
Basic Steps of DHH Allocation Calculation Process (cont.) 4. You are “eligible for” the lesser of the two figures (amount requested vs 80% of unmet need). 5. Sum up all the eligible for amounts state wide. This will represent a figure which far exceeds our DHH state budget. 6. Divide the $9.6 million amount we have to allocate by the sum of all system-wide eligible amounts. This year that came to 61.6%. 7. Every college gets that resultant percentage of their eligible amount (proportional methodology).
Example of DHH Allocation Requested FY DSPS Funds due to FY DHH WSC Unmet Need 80% of Unmet Need Lesser of Amount Requested vs 80% unmet needDHH Distribution College Total DHH Expenditures a. DHH Funds Requested b. Matching Funds Required Grossmont325, , , , , , , ,134 System Total30,073,49420,029,0485,130,4174,265,25626,431,86021,145,44815,592,7599,600,000 Proportional Rate = $9,600,000/ $15,592,759 = %
Questions / Discussion? Contact Information: Scott Valverde, DSPSScott Berenson, DSPS (916) (916)