Integrative Learning Center Service-Learning Program
What is Service-Learning? Service-Learning is a teaching methodology that allows students to learn their course objectives while performing service in their community, in combination with classroom reflection activities. Three main components of Service-Learning are: 1.Service 2.Learning objectives 3.Reflection
What types of service-learning could I complete in my courses? Placement Model: Students choose from among several placements that have been chosen from their courses. Presentation Model: Students in certain courses may take material that they are learning in class and create presentations for audiences in the community. Presentation-Plus Model: This model is similar to the Presentation Model, except the students all work with the same organization and put on a fair, or a mini-conference, that includes several learning stations or short workshops. Product Model: In some courses, Service Learners - working alone or in groups - produce a tangible product for their agencies. Project Model: Working in groups, Service Learners collaborate with community members to devise and implement a project.
Examples of Service-Learning Projects: Documenting oral histories from Charlotte Hall Veterans Home as part of a communications class. Revising volunteer applications from Christmas in April as part of a business writing class. Translating health care materials to non-English speakers. Provide IT and web design help to a non-profit agency. Creating a marketing brochure for the Red Cross.
What are the benefits to the students? Links course work to real life experience and employment. Allows you to make a difference in the community. Enhances your critical thinking skills. Improves interpersonal and human relations skills. Provides you with an opportunity for career exploration and potential job contacts. Provides you with a greater understanding of social issues. Documents work experience and skill development.
What are the benefits to the community? Provides awareness-building of community issues, agencies, and constituents. Develops short and long term solutions to pressing community needs. Creates ways to expand current services. Increases human resources for problem solving. Contributes to positive exposure in the community. Helps meet unmet community needs. Exposes and teaches communities about emerging generations of students
How is service-learning different from Volunteering? Service-Learning Meeting the needs of others and bettering the community as a whole while increasing academic achievement Serving the community through activities that are integrated with academic curriculum and content Students engage in reflection activities after their service experience and apply their learning in real-life activities Volunteering Giving on your own time Meeting the needs of others Bettering the community as a whole
Service-Learning at CSM Currently about 40 classes offer service-learning. Students contribute about 7000 hours of service to the community each semester through service-learning. Service-Learning program sponsored by the Integrative Learning Center at CSM. Service-Learning can happen two ways: Faculty chooses a specific non-profit agency for the students to work with Faculty allows student to choose the appropriate non-profit agency to meet their learning objectives, interests, and schedule.
Service-Learning Steps STEP 1: Faculty explains service-learning expectations, guidelines, and details to students in class. Students review the “Student Service-Learning Orientation” PowerPoint. STEP 2: Student identifies their service-learning site (whether provided in class or instructed how to find one using Volunteer Southern Maryland). STEP 3: Student completes the Service-Learning Agreement prior to their service. STEP 4: Student completes the letter to the partner agency outlining the hours required and learning objectives and provides it to their service- learning site on their first visit. STEP 5: Student completes service-learning hours with the non-profit agency. STEP 6: Student completes necessary reflection activities and other classroom assignments related to the service-learning experience. Step 7: Complete the hours verification form online through mycsmd account
Finding a Service-Learning site If your professor allows you to pick your own Service-Learning site, a brief presentation will be made in your classroom to explain how to find a service-learning site that is appropriate for your course.
When searching for a service-learning site, keep these things in mind: What type of service would be appropriate for the amount service- learning hours required? What expectations do you have for your placement? What are you looking to learn about at your organization or from the people you will be working with? Share this with your supervisor so he or she can help you fulfill your learning goals. What interests you? What are your career goals? What population or issue engages you? Choose a site that allows you to explore possible career opportunities, new issues areas, or develop new skills. Are there any special accommodations necessary to assist you in your service-learning effort? If yes, have you informed your professor or site supervisor of this need? Students registered with Disability Services, requiring accommodations at the service-learning site should contact their Disability Specialist to discuss appropriate accommodations.
How to make contact with your Service-Learning site Do not wait until the last minute to start your service-learning hours-start your hours immediately, if possible. The semester goes fast. Each service site has its own schedule for volunteer opportunities and it might not necessarily work with yours. Do choose at least 3 agencies-in case one does not work out. Do realize that many agencies accept a limited number of volunteers. Also, many agencies have certain times and dates for orientations for new volunteers. For many agencies, once you miss the orientation date, you may miss the opportunity to be able to serve at that agency. Do always keep in mind how your service-learning experience ties into topics and themes in your coursework. Talk with your professor and develop ideas if you are having difficulty making the connections. Do not play phone tag. This happens when both you and the agency contact keep missing each other due to busy schedules. Leave a message giving your full name, school, a specific contact phone number, and an alternate number and time that you can be reached at during normal business hours. Do practice phone etiquette. Do not leave a mumbled or fast message on the agency’s answering machine. Speak clearly and slowly leaving your information. EXAMPLE: “Hi my name is ____ and I’m a Service-Learning student at the College of Southern Maryland. I’m interested in volunteering at your agency. Please call me at ___ between the hours of __and ___or you may reach me at ____. Do attend any orientations or interviews that your agency requires you to attend. This is your chance to ask questions and determine if you feel comfortable with your selected agency. At this point, you will probably set a schedule of your available times and days to volunteer. Also, you will be given the opportunity to learn about rules and regulations, expectations of your duties, etc. Do not assume that you will have direct contact with the clients that the agency serves. For example, you may have a sincere interest in working with abused children, but due to certain laws and other factors, volunteers may not be allowed to have direct contact. Do choose an agency that sincerely interests you both personally and academically.
Do’s and Don’ts of Service-Learning Do’s DO ask for an orientation on-site to include the mission, history, and the population served. DO clarify your learning objectives, hour requirements, and reason for being there with the agency supervisor. DO make sure you know how to exit your service site in case of an emergency. DO ask for help from your supervisor or another staff member at your service site when in doubt. DO be punctual and responsible in completing your commitment to your service-learning site. DO call the agency if you will be late or not coming at all. DO keep all information about clients confidential. DO be aware that you are representing the College of Southern Maryland. DO know that if you are having trouble at your service site, you can talk with your instructor about it. Don’ts DON’T be alone in a closed room with someone. Make sure you are always with another person or out in the open. DON’T give or loan someone money or personal belongings. DON’T make promises or commitments that you cannot keep. DON’T use your personal vehicle to give someone a ride or provide services for your partner agency. DON’T tolerate verbal exchanges of a sexual nature or engage in behavior that might be perceived as sexual at your service-learning site. DON’T tolerate verbal exchange or engage in behavior that might be perceived as discriminating against an individual on basis of her/his age, race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or ethnicity. DON’T wear expensive jewelry, clothing, etc. when performing your service. DON’T report to your service site under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
Reflection: What is it and why do we do it? Service-Learning is different from regular volunteering because it has a reflection component that helps tie the service back into the course objectives. Reflection is critical to service-learning. The reflection process enables students to think critically about their educational experience and examine their service in greater context. Reflection should occur before, during and after service; reflection can happen through reading, writing, speaking, and listening in class activities or assignments.
Who should I contact? Service- Learning StudentInstructor Non-Profit Partner Agency Integrative Learning Center There are four responsible parties for service-learning at CSM: Student Instructor Partner agency Integrative Learning Center If there is an issue that cannot be addressed between you, your instructor, or your service- learning site, please contact the CSM Integrative Learning Center located at the La Plata campus in LR 205 or call x7016 or visit the service-learning web site at
Last Step!! Please complete the “Student Service-Learning Agreement”Student Service-Learning Agreement Before completing any service-learning within your course.