Feed The Future Partners Coordination Meeting AGP-AMDe Presented to Feed The Future Partners Coordination Meeting by Tim Durgan Chief of Party Addis Ababa May 3, 2012
Presentation Outline Project objectives & components How AGP-AMDe fits into AGP Targeted value chains & woredas Capacity building & analytical studies Nutrition-related activities Implementation approaches/methodologies
AGP-AMDe’s Objectives In line with the overall objectives of AGP, AGP-AMDe will sustainably reduce poverty and hunger by improving the productivity and competitiveness of value chains that offer jobs and income opportunities for rural households. Intermediate Results: Improved performance of the agriculture sector Increased livelihood transition opportunities Improved private sector competitiveness Increased resiliency to and protection from shocks
How AGP-AMDe fits into AGP 1.1 Institutional Development Component II Small-Scale Rural Infrastructure Development & Management Component III AGP Management & Monitoring, Evaluation, Review and Learning (MERL) Component I Agricultural Production & Commercialization 1.2 Scaling up Best Practices 1.3 Agribusiness & Market Development (AMDe)
AGP-AMDe Components Improve VC competitiveness Improve access to finance Improve the enabling environment of selected VCs Stimulate upgrading & investment through innovation & demonstration funds Cross-cutting themes: Gender, HIV/AIDS, nutrition, environment/NRM AMDe: The Pillar of My Home VC Competitiveness Access to Finance Enabling Environment Innovation Grants Improve Value Chain Competitiveness: Increase availability of improved seeds Transform coops/unions, private agro dealers, traders, and development agents to become effective service providers Expand agro processing and value addition Demand driven capacity building for key associations Improve Access to finance Increase access to and enhance performance of credit products currently available Develop, pilot test and roll out new value chain finance products Build capacity of financial institutions and value chain actors: Financial Institutions: Training to understand value chain finance VC Borrowers: Training to prepare bankable business plans Training in debt management Improve the Enabling Environment of selected Value Chains: Support overall policy development in support of value chains Conduct competitiveness constraint analysis for value chains Support implementation of new policies and guidelines that enhance VC Support working PPP forums between government and Value chain actors Stimulate up-grading and investment through innovation and demonstration funds Provide stimulating grants for action initiatives that result in positive VC externalities Cost share in investments on innovative and role modeling initiatives Cost share and invest in applied research opportunities that improve VC competitiveness and productivity
Targeted Value Chains and Woredas Oromia SNNPR Amhara Tigray Maize - Wheat Coffee Sesame Honey Chickpea
Capacity Building Activities M3 assessment of FCUs, primary cooperatives and private- sector associations (13 assessments so far) Sell More For More training to FCUs and primary cooperatives (rolled out in April) Cost share to leverage investments in machinery, storage facilities & enhance the capacity of research centers for increased output of foundation seed Leverage investments by seed producers (producers, cooperatives) to expand seed cleaning, processing, packaging & distribution to fulfill unmet demand Develop new enterprises &profit centers within cooperatives for input supply, commodity handling & marketing, mechanization services
Capacity Building Activities Train unions and cooperatives in the maize, wheat and chickpea VCs in management, marketing & post-harvest handling to build capacity to meet WFP and private processors contract demands In partnership with Winrock, organize training programs for processors & beekeepers on demo site management & modern beekeeping management Train CIGs, private commercial farms, primary cooperatives and smallholders on nursery management & seedling marketing to increase coffee productivity Train FCUs on post-harvest handling & warehouse management to reduce losses & improve standards for sesame
Analytical Studies Planned Fertilizer industry competitive constraints & enabling environment analysis – in process Business Enabling Environment assessment to identify policy/regulatory constraints to growth & opportunities Analysis and policy recommendations to address liquidity problem in private banks, in collaboration with ATA Financial system assessment of selected VCs to identify opportunities & constraints related to access to finance Assess potential for mobile banking services to promote rural financial flows & increase savings. Transport route analysis using UNESCAP time/cost/ distance model; storage analysis will also be included
Nutrition-related Activities Planned Fortification program with General Mills and Technoserve, wheat flour Industry promotion of chickpea to increase demand & educate consumers on nutritional benefits – EPOSPEA Consumer education program on health benefits of table honey – EAB Integration of nutrition into Sell More For More training series
M i n i s t r y o f A g r i c u i t u r e Targeted Beneficiaries/Partners at Critical Nodes Critical Nodes Agricultural Input Production Post Harvest Handling Agro Processing Marketing M i n i s t r y o f A g r i c u i t u r e C oops/Unions Research Centers Ethiopian Seed Enterprise Private Seed Enterprises Coops/ Unions (SHF) DAs Ethiopian Grain Millers Association ECX Traders Feed Plants Flour Mills Chamber of Com & Sec. Assn, Eth consultants assn Private agro dealers Targeted Beneficiaries/ Partners
Targeted Beneficiaries Smallholder farmers (1 million) Farmers who apply new technologies (750,000) Private enterprises Producer organizations Women’s groups Trade & business associations Public-sector actors receiving capacity building MSMEs accessing bank loans Banks, MFIs & SACCOs receiving capacity building
AGP-AMDe’s Approach Focus on regions & woredas with high agricultural potential - % of current output (20% for maize, 47% for wheat, 81% for sesame) The Agribusiness & Market Development Project under AGP - Working with businesses and supporting entities to provide input & other services to processors & exporters - Improve efficiencies & expand output of VCs - Contribute to GTP targets Interventions planned to ensure businesses & participants sustain efficiencies & outputs within the VCs through returns on investments
Thank You tdurgan@acdivocaeth.org