TJ Baugus SC Lean/Agile Project Manager, C3SC, Ellucian L.P. Session Number: NA-1 (North) SB-2 (South)
California Dream Act brief overview CALBFA 8.0 (October) Questions There’s a lot to cover in 50 minutes.
If you have a chance to do so, please privately thank baseline development (Mark Kichline, Jan Levsen, and their team) for their work on this state aid project. California Community Colleges Banner Financial Aid Users Group
Banner Financial Aid 8.15 (released) Ability to load CSAC file records resulting in need analysis and normal finaid functionality to award Private scholarships Institution financial aid State financial aid
Important setups details in release guide Release guide has an important typo. Download the corrected file that is posted separately. RCRTPTR setups correct info: MAJR and MRTL are required. CITZ and SBGI are not necessary. Note: Include/add ‘DEFAULT’ for MRTL (marital) FAQ 1-18K1RCP California Schools Only: What other information do I need regarding the California Dream Act processing in Banner Financial Aid that was not in the 8.15 Release Guide? Review defects 1-185IHUR and 1-186Y2F9
Monday 9/17/2012 general Banner Financial Aid overview. ***From: Ellucian: Banner Financial Aid Summer Update (8.15) Webinar*** This was not specific to the Dream Act topics. Thursday 9/27/ :00-noon PT, CCC-only session for Banner FinAid 8.15 Dream Act Announcement: California Community Colleges Banner Financial Aid Users Group
New process RCPCA13 to load the CSAC data Similar to RCBTP13 Loads temp table with INFC code ‘CAL’ Load multiple flat files, with or without header records, with file names you pick (don’t use “1213esar.tap”) No SSN parameter (CSAC files use pseudo SSNs, which is not loaded into ROTPERS and SPBPERS)
Copy records with real errors into a new flat file, fix, and reprocess. (Easier than EDE records.)
RCPMTCH Release guide note – don’t match by SSN since CSAC file has pseudo SSNs RCRTP13 to finish the load Need analysis and normal finaid functionality Use financial aid forms to work with CAL records
‘CAL’ records load as “unofficial” and will be “current” only if no ‘EDE’ record exists. Full priority order: EDE, MANUAL, CAL, CSS You can use overrides. Comment codes (RNIMS13) and Rejection Reasons (RNARS13): Still note “FASFA” or “EDE”, but meaning is the same
Not allowing ‘error processing’ Allowing students to re-submit their data Allowing US Citizens to submit CSAC application
CALBFA 8.0 (October) Does not replace Banner FinAid functionality or documentation Similar to current CALB BOGW: Can use the ‘EDE’ records Banner FinAid loads for BOGW processing Expanded beyond CALB BOGW: Can use the ‘CAL’ records in addition to ‘EDE’
BOGW ISIR selects “current” student record In Banner FinAid, ‘CAL’ records load as “unofficial” and will be “current” only if a current ‘EDE’ record does not exist. You can manually override what’s “current”, change “official” flag, etc. Therefore, BOGW ISIR process will select any “current” record that is either: an EDE official (If it exists, it’s the first choice.) a CAL unofficial or official
B-ISIR, C-ISIR, or not eligible BOGW ISIR notes record source BOGW ISIR process parameter EDE records only CAL records only (unofficial and official) Or both
If you have a chance to do so, please thank Hank Sredanovich (ActionLine) for his guidance and help and Mary Fran O'Herron (ActionLine) for allowing Hank to be available to us.
Moving BOGW processing to CALBFA Correct and enhance BOGW Limit BOGW range of options to ease development and support issues Dream Act processing for BOGW **The release is in jeopardy because of time spent on MIS SF and FA BOGW $0 rework. Future CALBFA release: Move MIS SF and FA reports
Expected – verify once released Banner Financial Aid 8.15 Banner Student 8.3 min – max Banner General 8.3 min – 8.5 max CALB 8.3 min – max Patch for GTVDICD form labels and hint text No direct CALBFA and Report Engine REPT dependency at this time
CALBFA is the new location to process BOGW (1314). CALB BOGW history-only after 1213 Future CALB release will disable processing Not migrating data from CALB to CALBFA Complete all processing in 1213 in CALB BOGW Not recommended to split the processing for an aid year between CALB BOGW and CALBFA BOGW
Aid periods 9-month budget using PELL budget (was using CAMP budget) Multiple exemptions Adjustments/reversals (“status” tables) Unmet-need limit control for each aid year Improve error messages
Residency error message confusion ISIR process error with negative AGI ISIR process recalculate parameter issues Problems with posting (exemption does, but award doesn’t) Others
All have “BOGW” in description for searching S% R%: Some forms and processes are one to one matches, but not all. SVAREQD RVAREQD (BOGW Required Documentation) –looks the same SVASFND RVASFND (BOGW Student Funding) –looks mostly the same with significant enhancements SVVBGYR, define BOGW year codes RVABOGW (BOGW Board of Governors Waiver Control) –Enhanced BOGW to use Banner FinAid aid year code BOGW Names: CALB vs. CALBFA
Made the descriptions more complete You can edit descriptions (and priority order). All forms noting them have better labels or descriptions RVASFND (former SVRSFND) BOGW Method tab labels for the Special Methods RVASFND Documentation tab labels
CALB BOGW SVVBGYR: No validation between BGYR and Banner FinAid aid year CALBFA BOGW RVABOGW: Uses the Banner FinAid aid year Also has the other setups previously defined on SVVBGYR Unmet need limit
CALB BOGW SVAINCR: yearly scripts to load CALBFA BOGW RVAINCR: “Create” button Enter key data from BOGW regulations to create rules
CALB BOGW SVAPYMT: Select “payment” and “financial aid” options and setup the codes for it CALBFA BOGW RVAPROP: “Processing” options (“payment” “processing/posting”) Once you add BOGW student data for an aid year, you cannot change these options. Difficulties with reversals
Posting choices (“payment” replaced with “processing/posting”) Exemption or not Award or Resource Combine these and you get Exemption = YesExemption = No Award1) Post award in finaid 2) Post exemption in AR 1) Post award in finaid Resource1) Post exemption in AR Resource = “Interfaced Resource” 1) Post other resource in finaid
Exemption setups
Award setups Uses disbursement date from finaid
Other Resource setups
CALB BOGW SVASFND: Everything about student manual application or ISIR data CALBFA BOGW RVASFND : The same with many enhancements
Summary (processing results) Results saved in a table Formatted for posting choices
Dependency Information (same) First part of the manual application BOGW Method Second part of the manual application Added “manual C” block (‘C’) Load from Student Aid Report printout
ISIR Information BOGW ‘C’ from EDE/CAL record renamed ‘C-ISIR’ Source record information (EDE or CAL, etc.) Left side is what is save in BOGW table Right side is what is found in Banner Fin Aid –Added the Need Analysis Status (“Waiting”) –Added block showing “what the BOGW status will be if you update BOGW with this finaid data” “Update” button posts from Banner FinAid (right side) to BOGW (left side)
Documentation – improved labels
Processing Messages – varies by setups Exemption and Award
Processing Messages – varies by setups Award (no Exemption) Exemption with Interfaced Resource Other Resource (no Exemption)
Student aid period (ROASTAT) Periods in the aid period (RORTPRD) –Terms in the period (RORPRDS): “Student” term controls residency BOGW setups (RVAPROP) Award – periods Exemption – terms Other Resource – terms Posting to the periods or terms defined on RVAPROP that also exist for the student. Different students can have different aid periods
Post award to periods defined for student’s aid period that are also setup on RVAPROP. student’s aid period period ↔ BOGW award period Post exemption(s) to terms defined for student’s aid period’s period that are also setup on RVAPROP. student’s aid period period term ↔ BOGW exemption term Post other resource to terms defined for student’s aid period’s period that are also setup on RVAPROP. student’s aid period period term ↔ BOGW other resource term
CALB BOGW SVPISIR CALBFA BOGW RVPISIR: The same, but many enhancements Parameters revised for enhancements Students with need calc “Waiting” – print with message and do not update Output sort order improvements (separate students with errors) Improved messages
CALB BOGW SVPPYMT (called “payment”) CALBFA BOGW RVPBPST: posting/processing Still uses a posting start date Aid periods Multiple exemptions Adjustments/reversals Improve messages
Setups and processing very similar Improving GTVDICD labels and hint text for clarity CALB patch Allowing college parameter on the RVPISIR to be ‘multiple’
BOGW Program requirements that a student must meet academic and progress standards as defined by the Board Of Governors On governor’s desk Aware of it while developing CALBFA BOGW
While Rate code is removed, if you have custom program to post rate codes, you can still use it. On RVASFND, if you add a brand new student that doesn’t have finaid data yet for the aid year: It will create a RORSTAT (ROASTAT) record. This RORSTAT record will have a default aid period on it (via a finaid API).
How to handle the January 2013 CSAC files? This question confused me as I thought the person was asking how to process the January CSAC files in aid year This morning I confirmed the files will be for aid year This is to correct my comments. Per CSAC, the January 2013 will be for aid year From the site: January 1, California Dream Act Application becomes available for AB 131 Institutional grants, community college fee waivers and Cal Grants for the school year. Install FinAid 8.15 and CALBFA 8.0. Then you can process the files with RCPCA13, etc. to create CAL records and process them in CALBFA BOGW under aid year 1314.
How to handle the Spring 2013 term? This is part 2 of the prior question related to the CCCCO 9/6/2012 memo. Example: Dream Act student is eligible by income level but should only have a BOG Waiver for Spring (Fall 2012 not eligible by rules.) Use the student residency to control the terms. –For the Fall 2012 term, use a residency code that is “not eligible for BOGW”. –For the Spring 2013 term, use a residency code that is “eligible for BOGW”. –RVPBPST (SVPPYMT) will update each term’s waiver. –This works for CALBFA BOGW and CALB BOGW.