Arizona Emergent HIV/AIDS Rate by Race/Ethnicity: *Non-Hispanic A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native Source: Arizona HARS, 6/25/2014, NCHS Bridged-Race Intercensal Estimates
Arizona Emergent HIV/AIDS Rate Among Women by Race/Ethnicity: *Non-Hispanic A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native Source: Arizona HARS, 6/25/2014, NCHS Bridged-Race Intercensal Estimates
Arizona Emergent HIV/AIDS Rate Among Men by Race/Ethnicity: *Non-Hispanic A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native Source: Arizona HARS, 1/8/2014, NCHS Bridged-Race Intercensal Estimates
2013 Female HIV/AIDS Prevalence 2013 Emergent Female HIV/AIDS 2013 Female Population Race/EthnicityCases % State Total Rate Per 100,000 Cases % State Total Rate Per 100,000 Population % State Total White non-Hispanic % 1.291,933, % Black non-Hispanic % ,3322.1% Hispanic % , % A/PI/H 1 non-Hispanic % ,1641.8% AI/AN 2 non-Hispanic % ,8792.2% MR/ 3 Other non- Hispanic 430.3N/A 00.0% 1.29 N/A TOTAL % %2.73 3,331, % Arizona Prevalent HIV/AIDS, Emergent HIV/AIDS and State Population Among Women by Race/Ethnicity 1 A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian 2 AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native 3 MR=Multi-Racial Source: Arizona HARS, 1/8/2014 (prevalence) and 6/25/2014 (emergence), Bridged-Race Intercensal Estimate 2013
2013 Male HIV/AIDS Prevalence 2013 Emergent Male HIV/AIDS 2013 Male Population Race/EthnicityCases % State Total Rate Per 100,000 Cases % State Total Rate Per 100,000 Population % State Total White non-Hispanic % % ,887, % Black non-Hispanic % % , % Hispanic % % ,010, % A/PI/H 1 non-Hispanic % % , % AI/AN 2 non-Hispanic % % , % MR/ 3 Other non- Hispanic %N/A 30.41% N/A 3,295,119 N/A TOTAL 13, % % ,887, % Arizona Prevalent HIV/AIDS, Emergent HIV/AIDS and State Population Among Men by Race/Ethnicity 1 A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian 2 AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native 3 MR=Multi-Racial Source: Arizona HARS, 01/8/2014 (prevalence) and 6/25/2014 (emergence), Bridged-Race Intercensal Estimate 2013
Arizona HIV/AIDS Prevalence Rates by Sex and Race/Ethnicity, 2013 *Non-Hispanic A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native Source: Arizona HARS, 1/8/2014, NCHS 2013 Bridged-Race Intercensal Estimate
Arizona HIV/AIDS Emergence Rates by Sex and Race/Ethnicity, 2013 *Non-Hispanic A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native Source: Arizona HARS, 6/25/2014, NCHS 2013 Bridged-Race Intercensal Estimate
*Non-Hispanic A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native Source: Arizona HARS, 6/25/2014, NCHS 2013 Bridged-Race Intercensal Estimate Ratio of Arizona HIV/AIDS Emergent Case Count Among Sexes by Race/Ethnicity, 2013 Statewide Average= 0.14
Race/ Ethnicity Prevalent Cases IDU 1 HRH 2 Presumed Heterosexual NRR 3 / Other Blood or Transplant Vertical White non-Hispanic (34%)437(48%)118 (13%)14 (2%)7 (1%)16 (2%) Black non-Hispanic (15%)345 (60%)130 (21%)9 (1%)0 (0%)32 (5%) Hispanic (20%)322 (60%)80 (15%)9 (2%)2 (<1%)16 (3%) Arizona Prevalent HIV/AIDS Among Women by Race/Ethnicity and Reported Mode of Exposure for Arizona’s Three Largest Race/Ethnic Groups 1 IDU=Injection Drug Use 2 HRH=High-Risk Heterosexual Contact 3 NRR=No Risk Reported Source: Arizona HARS, 01/08/2014
Arizona Prevalent HIV/AIDS Among Women by Race/Ethnicity and Reported Mode of Exposure for Arizona’s Three Largest Race/Ethnic Groups 1 IDU=Injection Drug Use 2 HRH=High-Risk Heterosexual Contact 3 NRR=No Risk Reported Source: Arizona HARS, 01/08/2014 Race/ Ethnicity Prevalent Cases IDU 1 Any Heterosexual NRR 3 / Other Blood or Transplant Vertical White non-Hispanic (34%)555 (62%)14 (2%)7 (1%)16 (2%) Black non-Hispanic (15%)475 (78%)9 (1%)0 (0%)32 (5%) Hispanic (20%)402 (75%)9 (2%)2 (<1%)16 (3%)
Race/ Ethnicity Prevalent Cases MSM 1 IDU 2 MSM/IDUHRH 3 Presumed Heterosexu al NRR 4 / Other Blood or Transpla nt Vertical White non- Hispanic (75%)505 (7%)791 (10%)210 (3%)157 (2%)252 (3%)32 (<1%)29 (<1%) Black non- Hispanic (56%)157 (12%)131 (10%)102 (8%)70 (5%)93 (7%)3 (<1%)27 (2%) Hispanic (68%)343 (9%)305 (8%)180 (5%)155 (4%)167 (5%)8 (<1%)15 (<1%) Arizona Prevalent HIV/AIDS Among Men by Race/Ethnicity and Reported Mode of Exposure for Arizona’s Three Largest Race/Ethnic Groups 1 MSM=Men who have sex with men 2 IDU=Injection Drug Use 3 HRH=High-Risk Heterosexual Contact 4 NRR=No Risk Reported Source: Arizona HARS, 01/08/2014, NCHS 2013 Bridged-Race Intercensal Estimate Race/ Ethnicity Any MSM 1 Any IDU 2 White non-Hispanic 6589 (85%)1296 (17%) Black non-Hispanic 888 (66%)288 (21%) Hispanic 2745(76%)648 (18%)
Males Females Race/EthnicityDeaths Death Rate Per 100,000 Per Year Deaths Death Rate Per 100,000 Per Year White non-Hispanic Black non-Hispanic Hispanic A/PI/H 1 non-Hispanic AI/AN 2 non-Hispanic MR/ 3 Other non-Hispanic 1N/A0 TOTAL Arizona Deaths by Sex and Race/Ethnicity Among Person Reported With HIV/AIDS, 2011 Note: This is the most recent year for which comprehensive death reports are available 1 A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian 2 AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native 3 MR=Multi-Racial Source: Arizona HARS, 6/25/2014, NCHS 2013 Bridged-Race Intercensal Estimate
Males Females Race/Ethnicity % Cases with Unmet Need White non-Hispanic 39%41% Black non-Hispanic 44%34% Hispanic 45%36% A/PI/H 1 non-Hispanic 33%23% AI/AN 2 non-Hispanic 24%27% MR/ 3 Other non-Hispanic 62%49% TOTAL 41%37% Arizona Unmet Need by Sex and Race/Ethnicity Among Person Reported With HIV/AIDS, 2013 A person is considered to have an Unmet Need for HIV primary care if there is no record of them having a laboratory test, doctor’s visit or taking HIV medication. 1 A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian 2 AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native 3 MR=Multi-Racial Source: Arizona HARS, 01/08/2014
Males Females Race/Ethnicity % Cases with Unmet Need Ever reported as White 39%37% Ever reported as Black 44%34% Ever reported as Hispanic 45%36% Ever reported as A/PI/H 1 27%29% Ever reported as AI/AN 2 32%24% Arizona Unmet Need by Sex and Reported Race/Ethnicity Among Person Reported With HIV/AIDS, 2013 This table splits each multiple race case into the reported races/ethnicities; some persons are therefore in more than one row. A person is considered to have an Unmet Need for HIV primary care if there is no record of them having a laboratory test, doctor’s visit or taking HIV medication. 1 A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian 2 AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native 3 MR=Multi-Racial Source: Arizona HARS, 01/08/2014
Males Females Race/Ethnicity Categorized as Ever reported as Percent Change Categorized as Ever reported as Percent Change White non-Hispanic % % Black non-Hispanic % % Hispanic < 1% <1% A/PI/H 1 non-Hispanic % % AI/AN 2 non-Hispanic % % MR/ 3 Other non-Hispanic 186N/A 2246N/A Arizona Race/Ethnicity Classification Among Prevalent Cases, 2013 A case is categorized as being in one of these six race/ethnicity groups. A case can be reported as more than one race/ethnicity. 1 A/PI/H=Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian 2 AI/AN=American Indian/Alaska Native 3 MR=Multi-Racial Source: Arizona HARS, 01/08/2014