Ancient astronomers divided the path of the sun across the sky into twelve signs, each after the constellation which the sun crossed in its apparent movement. Astrology Anyone?
Chapter One Aries the Ram –“The old ram stands looking down over rockslides, stupidly triumphant” (Gardner 5). Aries is associated with the planet Mars, the god of war—hence the references to Grendel’s war with Hrothgar. Aries also corresponds to the first house in astrology, that of life; thus, Hrothgar celebrates the life of the victims of war.
Chapter 2: Taurus the Bull “Then some thirty feet away, there was a bull” (19)“Then some thirty feet away, there was a bull” (19) Characteristics-- practicality, extreme determination and strength of will –Characteristics-- practicality, extreme determination and strength of will – somewhat hostile to change-- they will do everything in their power to maintain the security of the status quo and be. The animal associated with you sign is this tough looking bull. The Egyptian Hourus was the bull of heaven, and a white bull was sacrificed in Babylonia at the New Year to placate Ramman, the god of thunder and lightning.
Chapter 3 Gemini the Twins –“It was late spring. Every sheep and goat had its wobbly twins” (44)
Chapter 4 Cancer the CrabCancer the Crab –“The sun backs away from the world like a crab and the days grow shorter, the nights grow longer, more dark and dangerous” (46)
Chapter 5 Leo the Lion –“No use of a growl, a whoop, a roar, in the presence of that beast!” (57)
Chapter 6 Virgo the Virgin –“The shaper here and here alone in all the world men were free and heroes were brave and virgins were virgins” (77).
Chapter 7 Libra the Balance –“Balance is everything, riding out time...” (91)
Chapter 8 Scorpio the Scorpion –“And so—I watch in glee—they take in Hrothulf; quiet as the moon, sweet scorpion” (113)
Chapter 9 Sagittarius the Archer –“The trees are an arrow in a dead man’s chest” (125)
Chapter 10 Capricorn the Goat –“I watch a great horned goat ascend the rocks toward my mere” (139)
Chapter 11 Aquarius the Water BearerAquarius the Water Bearer –“I kiss the ice on the frozen creeks, I press my ear to it, honoring the water that rattles below, for by water they come:... “(151)
Chapter 12 Pisces the FishesPisces the Fishes –“...but where the water was rigid there will be fish, and men will survive on their flesh ‘til spring” (170). Beowulf’s speech with strong images of spring call forth the first chapter, a cyclical pattern, a rebirth
Bibliography Gardner, John. Grendel. New York: Vintage, Thiessen, Michael. Astrology Online May