Interest Groups Colorado Civic Standard 4.2f Analyze how court decisions, legislative debates, and various and diverse groups have helped to preserve, develop, and interpret the rights and ideals of the American system of government (DOK 2-3)
Interest Groups go by a Variety of Names An organized group that tries to influence public policy.
A Few Definitions: There are many more. Any association of individuals, whether formally organized or not, that attempts to influence public policy An organization which seeks or claims to represent people or organizations which share one or more common interests or ideals. A group that promotes their interests by attempting to influence government rather than by nominating candidates and seeking responsibility for management of government.
Organized Interests Economic Interest Groups Promotes the financial interests of members Public Interest Groups Collective good that will not selectively and materially benefit the members of the group Governmental Units States and local governments want to make sure their states get their fair share of federal dollars; money for roads, schools and poverty programs.
LOBBYISTS Interest group representative who seeks to influence legislation that will benefit his or her organization through political persuasion.
Example of 1 st Effective Lobbyist In 1861 the Central Pacific Railroad (later called the Southern Pacific) sent a lobbyist to Washington D.C. As a result they gained vast grants of land, subsidized loans. The lobbyists, Thomas Judah, became the appointed secretary of the committees in both houses of Congress and was responsible for overseeing the regulations of the RR. Sources: O’Connor and Sabato, American Government, Continuity and Change, 2004 ed.,