Interest Groups Chapter 11.3
Interest Groups vs. Political Parties Narrow interests Fund Candidates and lobby incumbents Try to steer legislation toward their interests Influence public policy Broad interests Seek donations to aid their candidates and incumbents Try to win elections
Types of Special Interest Groups Economic: Promotes the financial interest of its members. – Labor unions, professional organizations, etc. Social: Promotes fairness and equity for its members – Gender, Racial, age and other demographic groups Special Causes: Promotes for an issue – Animal rights, gun rights, environment, etc. Public: Promotes causes that benefit all – Consumer protection, voting access, etc.
Activities of Special Interest Groups Lobbying – Define – Give examples Election Activities – PACs fund incumbents and other candidates partial to cause – Provide information/Run ads Litigation – File lawsuits to stop actions (injunctions) – See courts to use judicial review
Stir the Class Using p. 19 with your homework, walk until music stops. Exchange group information with the nearest classmate. Try to get one of each type of special interest group. Return to seat & discuss.