Philip van Londen
Workgroup III Awareness Raising
Awareness>>> Promotion Passive>>> (Pro)active Information>>> Action We can help you!
A ttention I nterest D esire A ction
A ttention
Bookmark Posters Banners Flyers Announcements Joke Personal remark Banana Teaser
I nterest Displays Web info Targeted, detailed flyers Radio spots Event partner Detailed information ( ) Adresses Pictures
D esire Spokespersons TV coverage Resource lists Special event Feature stories Testimonials Good practices A profound message
A ction Personal appointments Free seminar Skill class invitation Free food Inivitation Solution
A ttention I nterest D esire A ction
TOOLS Teaser Web site Cards We can help you!
Teaser draws attention leads to information
Web site information adresses national projects
Cards takes away fears make them desire
We can help you! more desire and ACTION
ACTION selling ideas leaving brochures getting an invitation hiring persons
AttentionInterestDesireAction Bookmark Posters Banners Flyers Announcements Displays Web info Targeted, detailed flyers Radio spots Event partner Spokespersons TV coverage Resource lists Special event Feature stories Testimonials Personal appointments Free seminar Skill class invitation Free food Advertising Public relations Publicity General/dept. Advertising Direct marketing Personal selling Sales promo. Personal selling
AttentionInterestDesireAction Advertising Public relations Publicity General/dept. Advertising Direct marketing Personal selling Sales promo. Personal selling (pro)active
AttentionInterestDesireAction Advertising Public relations Publicity General/dept. Advertising Direct marketing Personal selling Sales promo. Personal selling (pro)active emotional/involvement
AttentionInterestDesireAction Advertising Public relations Publicity General/dept. Advertising Direct marketing Personal selling Sales promo. Personal selling (pro)active emotional/involvement more personal
AttentionInterestDesireAction Advertising Public relations Publicity General/dept. Advertising Direct marketing Personal selling Sales promo. Personal selling (pro)active emotional/involvement more personal more labour-intensive
Thank you! Questions? Philip van Londen