Français 2, 6 octobre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 22. Lisez “Lisons” Strategie. Repondez aux questions. Ask me to tell the Ole goes fishing joke. Rassurer – to reassure or put someone’s mind at rest. Rassure-toi! Don’t worry! Goals – Discuss and demonstrate the wiki then begin. Les Devoirs – Complete an electronic personal statement for class tomorrow.
Français 2, 7 Octobre 2014 Ecrivez les sujets dans le lycée que vous aimez le plus. Et les activités? What do you do with two pieces of bread in the desert? Plein/-e – full. La salle était plein à craquer. The room was packed. Goals – Begin drafting letter to an exchange student. Final product for chapitre 1. Complete an electronic version of you introduction including link. Les Devoirs – Complete an electronic version of you introduction including link.
Français 2, 8 Octobre 2014 Lisez #6 á la page 25. Add some questions to the end of your personal statement. What did one sheep say to the other when it sneezed? Repartir – to start again. Repartons de zéro. Let’s start from scratch. Goals – Get personal statements copied onto the wiki. If you have posted none. If not get your statement posted by tomorrow morning. Les Devoirs – If you have posted none. If not get your statement posted by tomorrow morning.
Français 2, 9 Octobre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 315 ( french 1 book). Faites # 5. Why did the twin elephants get kicked off the beach? Fier/fière – proud. Elle est très fière de lui. She is very proud of him. Goals – Watch Pour Elle. Make sure the subtitles are showing, check the languages part of thedisk menu. Pas. Les Devoirs – Pas.
Français 2, 10 Octobre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 148 (French 1 Book. Faites #1,2,3. Why do fire departments have Dalmations? Le patron – boss. Le patron n’est pas d’accord. The boss doesn’t agree. Goals – Work with the Passé Composé. Help each other figure it out. See page 136 and R39. Les Devoirs – Write about what you have done in the past week.