Anatomic Position Body erect Arms to side Palms forward Head & neck forward
Body Planes Sagittal Medial/Mid-sagittal Coronal/Frontal Transverse Sagittal: divides the body or organ vertically into right and left unequal parts Medial/Mid-sagittal: divides the body or organ vertically into equal right and left parts Coronal/Frontal: divides the body or organ vertically into anterior and posterior parts Transverse: divides the body or organ horizontally or into cranial/caudal parts
transverse coronal midsaggital
Primary Functions of Bone Supports the soft tissues of the body so that the form of the body and an erect posture can be maintained Protects delicate structures Blood cell production- RBC, WBC, & platelets produced in red marrow Storage for calcium & phosphorus; reserve lipid in yellow marrow Lever system with muscles-directs forces generated by muscles
Classified by Shape Long bones: longer than wide, shaft with 2 ends (femur, humerus) Short bones: length equals width (carpals, tarsals) Flat bones: thin and flat (cranium, sternum, ribs, scapula) Irregular bones: complex shapes (vertebrae, middle ear bones) Sesamoid bones: small bones formed in tendons (patella)
The Skeleton The average human adult skeleton has 206 bones joined to ligaments and tendons Forms a protective and supportive framework for the attached muscles and the soft tissues which underlie it. Minor differences between male and female skeletons: men's bones tend to be larger and heavier than corresponding women's bones, and a woman's pelvic cavity is wider to accommodate childbirth.
Joint Types Ball and Socket The greatest range of joint movement is provided by a "ball-and- socket" joint, in which the spherical head of one bone lodges in the spherical cavity of another
Joint Types: Hinge The simplest type of joint is the "hinge," as found in the elbows and the joints of the fingers and toes. Hinge joints allow movement in only one direction. Elbow
Joint Types: Pivot A pivot joint allows two bones to move in a rotational motion by twisting against each other The radio-ulnar joint in the elbow, or atlas/axis in the neck do this
Joint Types: Gliding Gliding" joints permit a wide range of mostly sideways movements - as well as movements in one direction The bones in the wrists and ankles slide against each other in a gliding motion The spine is a series of gliding joints
Joint movement: Extension When two bones move away from each other, the action is known as EXTENSION This would occur for example with straightening of the elbow or knee
Joint movement: Abduction When a joint moves away from the vertical centreline of the body, it is known as abduction. This movement occurs when the arm is raised to one side
Joint movement: Adduction When a joint moves towards the vertical centreline of the body, it is known as adduction. This movement occurs when the arm is lowered
Joint movement: Rotation This occurs when a bone rotates, either in a socket or relative to another bone. It can occur at ball & socket or gliding type joints Lowering (blue arrow) is internal rotation. Raising is external
Joint movement: Forward movement is flexion, (except the knee and elbow) Rearward movement is extension
Anatomical directions Superior: nearer the head Inferior: nearer the feet Lateral: away from the midline Medial: towards the midline
Anatomical directions Anterior: toward the front Posterior: toward the rear or back Proximal: nearer to the center Distal: farther from the center
Head Skull Frontal Parietals Temporals occipital Maxilla (top jaw and face) Mandible (Lower Jaw)
Head - Cranium
Spine C1 – Atlas C2 – Axis Common HNP (slipped disc): L4/L5, L5/S1 Lumbar Cervical C1 – Atlas C2 – Axis Common HNP (slipped disc): L4/L5, L5/S1
Back Muscles (Superficial)
Back Muscles (Deep)
Thorax Ribs SC joint – danger if clavicle fracture AC joint
Thoracic Muscles
Shoulder – Bony Anatomy
Shoulder - Muscles Rotator Cuff S – Supraspinatus I – Infraspinatus T – Teres minor S - Subscapularis
Shoulder Muscles Anterior View
Shoulder Injuries
Shoulder Injuries
Elbow Musculature Tennis Elbow What causes tennis elbow???
Wrist and Hand 27 bones in the hand: the carpals or wrist account for 8; the metacarpals or palm contains 5; the remaining 14 are digital bones Carpal Bones (wrist)
Extensor and Flexor Muscles
Lower Extremity Femur – longest bone in body Patella – knee cap Tibia – bears ~ 80% weight Fibula
Hip Joint Hip Flexor mm’s
Quadriceps Rectus Femoris Vastus Intermedialis Vastus Lateralis Vastus Medialis
Knee ACL PCL MCL LCL Medial & Lateral Menisci
Knee Injuries – True “Knee” dislocation
Knee injuries – Patella dislocation
Lower Leg Gastrocnemius Medial and Lateral heads Soleus
Foot & Ankle 26 bones in foot (28 if count sesamoids) Hindfoot: Calcaneus, Talus Midfoot: Navicular, Cuboid, 3 Cuneiforms (med, middle, lat) Forefoot: metatarsals (5), phalanges (2, 3, 3, 3, 3 = 14)
Ankle Dislocation