Wall construction steps and illustrations Incan construction
Ground preparation The ground is dug up to more than 4 feet, to ensure that the wall foundation will be below the freezing level during winter. In India the depth ismuch less, as there are no freezing issues In most of the country. A footing is laid, which is larger than the wall and 12 inches deep. The wall will stand on this footing. For the buildings in India a slab is built, instead of this footing. The slab is Also the floor.
Panels installation Panels are installed on the footing. These panels are interlocked with each other. Also, inside and outside panels are interlocked with each other. These panels replace the shuttering technology. No braces are used to keep the panels vertical. Some support is given to ensure that the walls are straight. Scaffolding planks are mounted on these panels for workers safety and ease of cement pouring operation. Scaffolding plank Footing
Traditional construction In traditional construction, beams, Plywood, braces and metal plates are Used to form shuttering. This shuttering Is erected on both sides of the future Wall. Shuttering on each side is independent of the other side. There is no Interlocking of these shuttering structures. Braces Wooden beams Plywood Metal plates Braces
Cement filling Cement is poured in between the Panels. This forms the cement wall. The cement is further levelled and Buffed to give a smooth and even finish.
De-paneling operation After 24 hours, the panels are removed and moved to the next construction Site. In this illustration, the wall is 8 feet high. There will be a terrace built here. Footing
Finished wall It took two and a half days to erect this wall. This construction technology is Faster, cheaper, gives better quality and higher seismic resistance.