SkyPower Corporate Profile 2003 Established in 100 Over employees, advisors & consultants 200 projects Over +11000 MW under development Across Canada, the U.S., Panama and India 6 Million acres of land under option Industry leading suppliers and construction management +
About SkyPower SkyPower Wind and Solar Power Projects Develops Finances Procures Constructs Owns and Operates Wind and Solar Power Projects
About SkyPower (cont’d) Our Mission: We are committed to meeting the growing worldwide demands for power by creating commercially viable renewable energy solutions. Social Responsibility: We are committed to developing renewable energy projects that promote regional development and local partnerships that give back to the community. Ecological Integrity: We are committed to utilizing renewable energy, such as wind and solar, to mitigate the negative environmental impacts of fossil fuels Commercial Viability: We are committed to a business model that creates win-win economics for all projects partners.
SkyPower’s Accomplishments SkyPower has secured approximately 400 MW of Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) for Renewable Energy projects in Canada Wind Power 8 Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program (RESOP) contracts with Ontario Power Authority (OPA) totaling 72 MW 64.5 MW PPA with OPA for recently awarded Byran Wind Project 201 MW PPA with Hydro Quebec 30 MW PPA with Nova Scotia Power 27 MW PPA with Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro International projects under development in India and the U.S. Solar Power 9 Contracts signed with OPA totaling 88.12 MW First Solar Farm under construction in Ontario (19MW) Additional 190 MW under development in Ontario Projects under development internationally Hydro Power 83.5 MW Project under development in Panama
How Wind Parks Get Developed Find Basic Resources Land Wind Transmission Market Community & Municipal Support Measure Wind: meteorological tower Environmental Feasibility
How Wind Parks Get Developed Assess Wind Resources (wind engineers) Environmental Impacts (scientists and environmental researchers) Community Awareness (stakeholder engagement) Transmission (interconnection studies) Equipment Availability (turbines in particular)
How Wind Parks Get Developed Development Turbine Layouts Engineering Plans Public Consultation Interconnection Agreement Planning & Permitting Procurement Power Purchase Agreement Dismantlement Plan
Steps to Planning and Building a Wind Farm There are many stages of development before a wind farm can be approved and built. Once a site has been selected for its good overall potential, work begins on several main tasks: WIND ASSESSMENT Scientists and engineers use meteorological masts to measure wind speed and other climatic conditions for at least one year. This data is then used to estimate how much energy the wind farm will produce. WIND FARM DESIGN Wind data is combined with topographical information to design the wind farm. This data is used to model wind flow, turbine performance, sound levels and other parameters to optimize the location of the wind turbines. They also design the access roads, turbine foundations and local electric network, as well as the connection to the electricity grid. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Environmental assessments are conducted to identify any impacts on landscape, plants and wildlife, soil and water, land use or other activities such as aviation and telecommunications. If negative impacts are identified, the design is adjusted to avoid or mitigate them.
Steps to Planning and Building a Wind Farm 4. LAND ACQUISITION Early in the process, developers usually approach landowners to negotiate “option” agreements to use their land. As the project progresses, the developer will seek to convert the options into firm land lease agreements. 5. PERMITTING AND PUBLIC CONSULTATION As with any other major power project, developers must seek municipal, provincial and federal permits before the project can go ahead. They also meet the local communities to present the project, solicit their feedback and seek community support. 6. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Developers must demonstrate the economic viability of their project to raise the funds to build the wind farm. On one hand, they work to estimate the cost of turbines and their installation, as well as roads, electrical system, operation and maintenance, etc. On the other hand, they estimate the income they will get from the energy production of the wind farm over the lifetime of the project. Then they make sure everything balances.
Steps to Planning and Building a Wind Farm 7. MANUFACTURING The wind turbine parts are manufactured and pre-assembled into the main components at the factory, then shipped to the wind farm site where the final assembly will take place. 8. SITE PREPARATION In the meantime, the crews have to prepare the site. They build access roads and clear the areas where turbines will be erected. They then prepare the foundations; do the excavating, followed by installing the formworks and pouring concrete. 9. CONSTRUCTION Once all components have been received, the assembly can take place. A crane is used to erect the tower and install the nacelle and rotor with its hub and blades. On the ground, the electrical collection network is installed and connected to the grid through the substation.
Steps to Planning and Building a Wind Farm 10. COMMISSIONING Finally, the wind farm is tested before becoming fully operational. Currently in Canada, the construction phase presents the best opportunities for local business and jobs. Other activities related to logistics, travel, lodging and material supply generate significant additional local revenue. 11. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE A variety of skill sets are required to ensure the effective operation of a Wind Farm. The activities that have to be performed on a regular basis throughout the project’s life include monitoring and analyzing performance, conducting environmental surveys and performing preventive maintenance and repairs on the turbines and other components of the facility. In addition to the permanent employment created to perform these tasks, a region with several wind farms may take the opportunity to develop and deliver new training programs for the specialized workers needed for these jobs.
Environmental Assessment Process Environmental assessments are conducted at an early stage in the development of wind energy projects.. Environmental assessments describe the existing environmental conditions in the area of interest. Typically an environmental assessment includes: Physical environment Groundwater and hydrogeology Surface water resources Archaeological resources Biological environment Wildlife and habitats (including birds and bats) Wetlands and aquatic environments Vegetation Sensitive species and habitats Socio-economic assessment Sound model Visual simulation Shadow flicker analysis
Environmental Screening Process Assessment Field studies and research are carried out to predict and assess effects of the project on the environment. Reporting Screening Report includes the findings of the assessment and recommends mitigation for likely adverse effects. Government review Report is submitted to government agencies for review. Public Review Public is given 30 days to review the report and make comments. Public can request further information if concerns are deemed unresolved. Acceptance of the EA
Community Engagement & Benefits COMMUNTITY ENGAGEMENT SkyPower is committed to early, frequent and ongoing consultation with all levels of government and the community, making it a major part of our development process. Proactive ongoing outreach to interested communities and regulatory agencies . Continue to plan for multiple ongoing public community information sessions for each project municipality. COMMUNITY BENEFITS Public Consultation, Hall Rentals and Catering Clothing and Souvenirs Site Preparation Work (e.g. dirt work, roads and crane pads building, trenching for underground lines, etc.), install the foundations, assemble the tools and equipment required for construction and transport and erect the turbine components. O&M involves millions in local spending Full/Part time jobs Tax
Community Benefits For an average 64.5 MW Wind Project it can provide 100 construction jobs and 5-8 fulltime operation and maintenance jobs. A Wind Project can provide an estimate 100K of annual tax revenues to local municipalities. A Wind Project will generate tourism for local communities. Wind Projects are compatible with other land uses, such as farming and can serve as a boost for rural economic development while maintain cultural security. Wind Projects offset the emissions of other energy sources, thus reducing our contribution to global climate change and cleaner air. Wind Projects will power grid efficiency and stability.
Thank You Robert Carillo Vice President and Head of Partnerships and International Development SkyPower Corp. 416-979-4625