Goat Breeds UDairy UMohair UCashmere UMeat Introduction to Agriculture Mrs. Bennett
Alpine UOrigin- France U1500 to 1600 lbs of milk per year Uonly breed with upright ears Uall colors and combinations of colors.
LaMancha UOrigin- United States UNearly earless UAny color or combination is acceptable UButterfat 3.9%
Nubian UOrigin- Africa URoman nose UAny color or colors, solid or patterned UMost are polled U1300 to 1500 lbs of milk per year
Saanen U Origin- Switzerland U Usually yields 3-4% butterfat U 1800 to 2000 lbs of milk per year U white or light cream in color. U Ears are erect and carried forward.
Toggenburg U Origin- Switzerland U Ears are Erect and Forward U Color is solid varying from light fawn to dark chocolate U 1500 to 1600 lbs of milk per year U Some have wattles
Angora UBoth sexes are horned U6 to 7 lbs of mohair per year UUsed as a meat breed as well – Dual Purpose UControl weeds and brush
Boer UBoer means “farm” in Dutch UEarly maturing UPredominantly white with red head but some solid red exist UMales can weigh as much as 380 lbs !!!!
Spanish U Feral goat or brush goat native to U.S. U Descended from the goats that were released or escaped from the early Spanish explorers U Utilized for meat U Fat content is less than beef
Pygmy Goat UOrigin- Africa UAll colors are acceptable UMeat and milk - Dual Purpose UGreat 4-H and FFA projects UEasy to handle
Nigerian Dwarf UMain colors are black, chocolate and gold with random white markings. UBreed year round UThey give 3-4# of milk per day at 6 to 10% butterfat UThey make great pets