Keeping healthy by staying active! Physical Activity Keeping healthy by staying active!
What is physical activity ? MOVE the BODY Dancing Walking Biking Gardening Physical activity is any body movement performed by your muscles that requires the use of energy.
Why?? Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Improves blood sugar control. May let you decrease the dose of your diabetes medicines. Improved flexibility and balance. Protection from cancer, diabetes complications, obesity, and stroke.
Consider the alternative! Why?? Consider the alternative!
Physical Activity Helps you feel better because it… Boosts energy Helps you cope with stress Makes you feel less tired Helps you relax Helps you sleep better Is an easy way to do things with family or friends
Physical Activity Helps you look better because it… Tones your muscles Burns off extra calories so you lose weight Helps you stay a healthy weight Helps you control your appetite Looking better and feeling better will motivate you to continue to be physically active!
Physical Activity People who have not been active should start slowly. Gradually increase how often and how long you are active. Examples of small steps: Take the stairs Walk before or after dinner Park car so you have to walk further
What should I wear? Clothing Appropriate for activity & weather Shoes – fit, shock absorbent, breathable Socks Breathable Loose at top (Diabetic socks) Layering Non-binding clothes
Safety tips Water Simple carb (15 grams- glucose tablet, Life Savers, juice) Know your body! How do I feel? Keep a cell phone with you. Tell someone where you are going. Check with your health care provider before starting an exercise program or before increasing activity.
Safety tips Heart rate goal of less than 110 beats/ minute is good starting place. “Perceived exertion” is about right if: You can carry on conversation No more than a light sweat You feel a little warm You are breathing a little faster, but not gasping Show how to take heart rate at carotid artery.
The Talk Test: If you are moving and… •Your breathing increases • You feel a little warm • You break into a light sweat, but you can carry on a conversation, »then it’s just about right! Ask yourself: •How hard does the work feel? Try to concentrate on the total, inner feeling of exertion. It should feel “Moderate” or “Sort of hard.” If it feels “Hard,” it is too much!
When NOT to Exercise If you are sick, even if it is “just a cold.” If your blood sugar is over 300 If your fasting blood sugar is over 250 If you have numbness in your feet If you also have high blood pressure or eye problems, don’t lift heavy weights
Safety tips If you are taking insulin or an oral medicine that makes your body secrete insulin (glipizide, glyburide, etc) Check your blood sugar during and after physical activity (should be above 70) Don’t exercise when the medicine is peaking Low blood sugar can happen during or up to 24 hours after exercise Always carry identification Exercise with someone else Drink plenty of water Hypoglycemia during physical activity: When starting to exercise, if blood glucose is less than 100 add an additional 15g carbohydrate snack. If blood glucose is 180 – 240, no snack is needed. If blood glucose is over 300, do not exercise and check for ketones (not usually a problem in T2DM, but important in T1DM).
What is “low blood sugar” Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) happens When you take too much diabetes medicine Skip meals Exercise more than you have carbs available for your body Have an illness that causes diarrhea Drink excessive alcohol (small to moderate amounts will raise your blood sugar)
Signs of low blood sugar Trembling, anxiety Clammy skin Pounding, fast heart beat Sweating Hunger Confusion Blurry vision Headache Seizure Coma
Warm-up, Cool-down Check your blood sugar before and after!
Let’s Review! What are three things that people with diabetes need to take with them when they are exercising? What are two good reasons for people with diabetes to be physically active every day? What is one way to know you are working out at about the right intensity?
It’s a balancing act! How long will you have to rake leaves to burn off 210 calories? 1 ½ hours; 50 minutes; 2 hours??
Calories in = Calories out If you lift weights for 1 ½ hours, you will burn off 257 calories! (Based on a 130 pound person)
The Exercise Best time to exercise: after 4:00 p.m. Best to exercise after a meal. Choose activities that you enjoy. Warm up and cool down 10 mins before and after activity Start slowly: 10-15 minutes, 3-4 times a week. Goal is 30-60 minutes most days of the week.
Chair Exercises Leg Swing: to firm the buttocks and strengthen the lower back. Stand up, holding on to the back of a chair. Keep your back and hips in line with the chair as you do the exercise. Extend one leg back, foot pointed towards the floor. Keeping the knee straight, Lift the leg backwards about four inches; squeeze the muscles in the buttocks with each lift Backstretch: to improve the flexibility of the lower back. Sit up straight, Bend far forward and straighten up. Repeat, clasping hands on left knee. Repeat clasping hands on right knee. Exhale while bending forward. Reach: to stretch shoulder girdle and rib cage. Take deep breath, extend arms overhead. Exhale slowly while lowering arms. Leg Extensions: to tone the upper leg muscles. Sit upright. Lift leg off the floor and extend it fully. Lower it very slowly. Suggested repetitions: 10-15 each leg
More Chair Exercises Knee Lift: to strengthen hip flexors and lower abdomen. Stand erect. Raise left knee to chest or as far upward as possible while back remains straight. Return to starting position. Repeat with right leg. Suggested repetitions: 5 each leg. Quarter Squat: to tone and strengthen lower leg muscles. Stand erect behind a chair, hands on chair back for balance. Bend knees, then rise to an upright position. Be careful not to let knees go beyond your toes. Suggested repetitions: 8-12. Heel Raises: to strengthen the calf muscles and ankles. Stand erect, holding a chair for balance if needed, hands on hips, feet together. Raise body on toes. Return to starting position. Suggested repetitions: 10.