SKIN: THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM BBy: Taylor Baber and Kaylee Pederson
VOTERMS Skin Sebaceous Glands Sweat Glands cutane/o, dermat/o, derm/o seb/o hidro/o Intact skin is the first line of defense for the immune system. (oil) to lubricate the skin and discourage the growth of bacteria. Secrete sweat to regulate body temperature and water content and excrete some metabolic waste.
TERMS TETERMS CONT…… Hair Nails pil/I, pil/o onych/o, ungu/o Aids in controlling the loss of body heat. Protects the dorsal surface of the last bone of each finger and toe.
TISSUES TISSUES WITH THE DERMIS Collagen - (which means glue), is a tough, yet flexible, fibrous protein material. Mast Cells - (Found in the connective tissue of the dermis), respond to injury, or infection. Heparin - Is released in response to injury, is and anticoagulant. Histamine - Is released in response to allergens, causes itching and increased mucus secretion.
MEDICAL SPECIALTIES RELATED TO THE SKIN Dermatologist -Specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the skin. Cosmetic Surgeon (plastic surgeon) - Specializes in surgical restoration and reconstruction of the body structures.
CLASSIFICATION OF BURN SEVERITY First Degree Burn Superficial burns, sunburn - No blisters, superficial damage to the epidermis. Second Degree Burn Partial-thickness burns - Blisters, superficial damage to the epidermis. Third degree burn Full-thickness burns -Damage to the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers.
T]THE HAIR Hair fibers are rodlike structures composed of tightly fused, dead protein cells filled with hard keratin. Hair Follicles -The sacs that hold the root of the hair fibers. Arrector Pili (Erector Muscles) - Tiny muscles fibers attached to the hair follicles that cause hair to stand erect.
THE NAILS Nail Body -Closely molded to the surface of the underlying tissues. Nail Bed -Joins the nail body to the underlying connective tissues. Free Edge -The portion of the nail not attached to the nail bed, extends beyond the tip of the finger of toe. Cuticle -A narrow band of epidermis attached to the surface of the nail just in front of the root.
THE NAILS CONT... Lunula -A pale half moon shaped region at the nail root and is generally found in the thumbnail. Root - Fastens the nail to the finger or toe by fitting into a groove in the skin.
Chapter Quiz Recall
CHAPTER QUIZ RECALL Collagen Mast Cells Heparin Histamine Lunula Root Erector Pili Cuticle Responds to injury or infection Released in response injury, is an anticoagulant Half moon shaped region at the nail root Fastens the nail to the finger or toe. Released in response to allergens A flexible, fibrous protein material Tiny muscle fibers attached to the hair follicles that cause the hair to stand erect A narrow band of epidermis attached to the surface of the nail
CHAPTER QUIZ RECALL Collagen Mast Cells Heparin Histamine Lunula Root Erector Pili Cuticle Responds to injury or infection Released in response injury, is an anticoagulant Half moon shaped region at the nail root Fastens the nail to the finger or toe. Released in response to allergens A flexible, fibrous protein material Tiny muscle fibers attached to the hair follicles that cause the hair to stand erect A narrow band of epidermis attached to the surface of the nail