Mrs. B. Simmons Personal Keyboarding Class
Keyboarding provides you with skills for life.
Work Area Arrangement Posture Arm and Hand Positions Technique
Keyboard straight in front of chair Front edge of keyboard even with desk Monitor placed for easy viewing Book to right of keyboard
Body erect, sit back in chair Sit comfortable distance from keyboard Feet flat on the floor, slightly apart for balance
Fingers curved and upright over home keys Wrists low but not touching keyboard Forearms parallel to slant of keyboard Elbows naturally close to body
Eyes on copy –do NOT look from copy to screen or keys All keystrokes begin and end at home row position
How are they doing?
Name _____________________________ Section _______ Dates Observed ____________________________________ __________EYES ON COPY (10 points) Looked from copy to fingers Looked from copy to screen Looked from screen to fingers __________HAND POSITION (10 points) Fingers resting on wrong keys Fingers do NOT return to homerow Fingers not well curved Thumb not a space bar
__________KEYING TECHNIQUE (10 points) Fingers typing incorrect keys Backspaced Used left thumb to space __________WRIST POSITION (5 points) Wrist resting on keyboard or tray frame __________POSTURE (10 points) Center of body not across from the letter “J” Not a hand span away from frame Not sitting up straight in chair
__________FEET POSITION (5 points) Feet crossed Feet not under desk in front of body Feet not flat on floor __________YOUR GRADE – 50 pts. possible (Points Received x 2 for 100% Grade)