Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Dec 7 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability.


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Presentation transcript:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Dec 7 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Beam Stopped at 18:00

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Dec 8 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Magnet ramp down initiated at 06:00 2. Open VAC shielding 8:00 Maf + 3 FSU 1h WP: 5. Prepare GIS 14:00Gerhard 8h WP: 4. EN-HE: Restart Crane Eric + 2Altead 1h WP: 0. Full RP sweep Heinz + 3RPEs 10:30am 2h WP: 3. Open PX56 Plug JP 20’ WP: 6. CV Switch ventilation to shutdown mode G Ducret WP: 8. Check HF jacks Hubert /Silverio2h WP: 7. Install collar switchboards Silverio 20’ WP: 7’. Lower 2 CPs + 1SL E Dugue 3h WP: 1. Take RP water/C6F14 samples Heinz + CV/DC 2h WP: Request to take data at 0B EE 1h Install SU brackets Antje 5h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Dec 9 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept 1. Inject Ne 8:00 Gerhard 8h WP: 2. Remove shims between collar and RS+Z Dmitry + 2 Russian Tecs 1h WP: 3. Open RS+Z Pascal /Sandro 30’ WP: 5. Remove 4 X-Stops and Open +Z Collar Dmitry/Alex/Maf 2h WP: 3’. RP sweep inside RS+Z Area Angelito 1h WP: 4. Remove CCTRXP & CCHFPP position sensors Joao + Alex 15’ WP: 6. Remove HF+Z X stop (with CP) Maf + 2 Russian tecs 1.5h WP: Disconnect –Z fibre optical sensors Salvatore 1h WP: Start of Water cooling maintenance: 08:00 Survey Cavern floor Antje 3h WP: A. Remove shims between collar and RS-Z Dmitry + 2 Russian Tecs 1h WP: B. Open RS-Z Pascal /Sandro 30’ WP: 014 C. Remove 4 X-Stops and Open Collar-Z Dmitry/Alex 2h WP: C’. RP sweep inside RS-Z Wolfram1h WP: D. Remove HF X stop (with CP) Maf + 2 Russian tecs 1.5h WP: 017

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Dec 12 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept AUG tests – CMS underground Facility OFF LIMITS

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Dec 13 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Diesel Test 3. Open HF + flooring Maf/Sandro/Alex + 1VSC 1h WP: 5. Open T2 & BSC Dmitry /Alex 30’ WP: 6. Survey 15m Antje + 1VSC 3h WP: H. Remove HF X stop (with CP) Maf + 2 Russian tecs 1.5h WP: 4. RP sweep inside HF+ 2 RPE 20’ WP: 6’. Remove CTZPproximity sensors Joao 10’ WP: C. Open HF- + flooring Maf/Sandro/Alex + 1VSC1h WP: A. Move HF-Z away from IP Maf/Sandro + 1 VSC + 2 Rtecs 10’ WP: D. Release CASTOR services Dmitry 1h WP: 020 F. Open CASTOR Dmitry /Alx 30’ WP: 021 E. Remove CRP proximity sensors Joao 10’ WP: A5 G. Open T2 & BSC Nicola /Alex 30’ WP: 025 D’. RP sweep inside HF- 2 RPE 20’ WP: Move HF+Z away from IP Maf/Sandro + 1 VSC + 2 Rtecs 10’ WP: 2. Disconnect T1 services Nicola 2h WP: B. Disconnect T1 services Nicola 2h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Dec 14 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept 4. Remove access gangway to HF+Z Eric + 2Altead 1h WP: EN-HE – Remove HF+ I beams Eric + 3 Altead 2h WP: Remove proximity sensors 30’ WP: # 7. Lower HF on 3 risers Marc/Herve + 2 Rtecs 4h WP: Remove HF+Z towers reinforcement Marc /Herve + 2RTecs 3h WP: 028 A. Survey 15m Antje + 1VSC 3h WP:022 A’. Remove CTZPproximity sensors Joao 10’ WP: # 1. Release BP 13.5m 2VSC + Sandro 2h WP: 2. Block BP 13.5m in parking position 2VSC + Sandro 30’ WP: 8. EN-HE – lift up 1 riser Eric + 2Altead 2h WP:030 B. Perform CASTOR removal Dmitry 7h WP: C. Perform ½ CASTOR Installation-removal Exercise at BP level Dmitry 1h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Dec 15 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept G. Lower HF on 2 risers Marc/Herve + 2 Rtecs 4h WP: 029 F. Remove HF- towers reinforcement Marc /Herve + 2RTecs 3h WP: EN-HE – lift up 1 riser Eric + 2Altead 2h WP: Install tooling for extension beam Sandro + 2Vac 5h WP: Install extension beam on FIN 3VSC + Sandro + 2 Altead 3h WP:032 D. Remove access gangway to HF-Z Eric + 2Altead 1h WP: 026 E. EN-HE – Remove HF- I beams Eric + 3 Altead 2h WP:027 C. Remove proximity sensors 30’ WP: # A. Release BP 13.5m 2VSC + Sandro 2h WP: B. Block BP 13.5m in parking position 2VSC + Sandro 30’ WP: 0. Lower HF on 2 risers Marc/Herve + 2 Rtecs 4h WP: 029 H. EN-HE – lift up risers Eric + 2Altead 2h WP:030 Survey link Cavern-Su galleries Antje Andreas 8h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Dec 16 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept 1.Perform load transfer on Ext beam 3VSC + Sandro + 1Altead 5h WP: 1’. Survey BP Andre + 1VSC 5h WP: 2. Remove HF handrail on IP side Maf + 2FSU 1h WP: Remove green support beams C. Install tooling for extension beam Sandro + 2Vac 5h WP: 031 D. Install extension beam on FIN 3VSC + Sandro + 2 Altead 3h WP:032 B. Move collar table out by 60cm Dmitry+ 2FSU 2h WP: A. Install supports for COLLAR table Maf : 30’ WP: 0. Survey TAS + Fwd BP 4h

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Dec 19 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept b. Perform load transfer on Ext beam 3VSC + Sandro + 1Altead 5h WP:034 b’. Survey BP Andre + 1VSC 5h WP:035 c. Remove HF handrail on IP side Maf + 2FSU 1h WP: 216 d. Move collar table in by 60cm + remove supports Maf + 2FSU 2h WP: 216 Start of crane installation in CV room a Survey TAS + Fwd BP 4h 1. Lower HF+Z on floor Marc/Herve + 2 Rtecs 4h WP: 2. EN-HE – lift up risers Eric + 2Altead 2h WP: 3. Move HF+Z in garage Pascal + 2 Rtecs 4h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Dec 20 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept 1. Lower HF-Z on floor Marc/Herve + 2 Rtecs 4h WP: 2. EN-HE – lift up risers Eric + 2Altead 2h WP: 3. Move HF-Z in garage Pascal + 2 Rtecs 4h WP: Remove 1/2 BSC A Bell 4h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Dec 21 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Remove 1/2 BSC + install new one A Bell 4h WP: Erect scaffolding for BP bake-out

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Dec 22 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept CERN Closed Erect scaffolding for BP bakeout

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Dec 23 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept CERN Closed

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Dec 26 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept CERN Closed

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Dec 27 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept CERN Closed

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Dec 28 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept CERN Closed

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Dec 29 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept CERN Closed

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Dec 30 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept CERN Closed

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Jan 2 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept CERN Closed

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Jan 3 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept CERN Closed

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Jan 4 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept CERN Closed

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Jan 5 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Install PLT Martin d1/4 WP: CSC Posts Remove 1/2 BSC A Bell 4h WP: 1. Open FIN Doors 1h 2. Remove FIN plug 1h b. Remove FIN plug 1h 3. Prepare for radioscopy 6h c. Prepare for radioscopy 6h a. Open FIN Doors 1h

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Jan 6 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Install PLT Martin d2/4 WP: CSC Posts Install BLM Dmitry 1d WP: Carry out radioscopy 8h Carry out radioscopy 8h

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Jan 9 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept 1.Install PLT Martin d3/4 WP: CSC Posts Prepare for bake-out 8h Prepare for bake-out 8h CSC Posts

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Jan 10 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept 1.Install PLT Martin d4/4 WP: CSC Posts Prepare for bake-out 8h Prepare for bake-out 8h CSC Posts

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Jan 11 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Prepare for bake-out 8h Prepare for bake-out 8h CSC Posts

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Jan 12 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Bake-out -Z 8h

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Jan 13 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Bake-out -Z 8h

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Jan 16 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Bake-out -Z 8h

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Jan 17 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Bake-out +Z 8h

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Jan 18 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept f Close Collar 1h WP: Bake-out +Z 8h

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Jan 19 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Bake-out +Z 8h Prepare GIS 8h

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Jan 20 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Inject Ne in BP 8h

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Jan 23 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept 2. Install FIN plug + close FIN doors Patrick + HE 2h WP: 3. Remove scaffolding 1. Install FIN plug + close FIN doors Patrick + HE 2h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Jan 24 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Restart Cryo Remove scaffolding

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Jan 25 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept C. Move HF-Z on 2 risers Marc/Herve + 2 Rtecs 4h WP: B. Move HF-Z out of garage Maf + 2 Rtecs 4h WP: A. EN-HE – bring down risers Eric + 2Altead 2h WP: D’. Move HF+Z out of garage Maf + 2 Rtecs 4h WP: C’. EN-HE – bring down risers Eric + 2Altead 2h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Jan 26 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept a. Install torsion prevention support 3VSC + Sandro + 1Altead 2h WP:034 a’. Survey BP Andre + 1VSC 5h WP:035 b. Remove HF handrail on IP side Maf + 2FSU 1h WP: 216 c. Move collar table in by 60cm + remove supports Maf + 2FSU 2h WP: Move HF+Z on 2 risers Marc/Herve + 2 Rtecs 4h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Jan 27 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept a. Install torsion prevention support 3VSC + Sandro + 1Altead 2h WP:034 a’. Survey BP Andre + 1VSC 5h WP:035 b. Remove HF handrail on IP side Maf + 2FSU 1h WP: 216 c. Move collar table in by 60cm + remove supports Maf + 2FSU 2h WP: 216 A. Survey and align BP Patrick + SU2h WP: B. Install tooling for removal of ext beam 2h WP: C. Perform load transfer 4h WP: C’. Support for load transfer 4h WP: D. Survey TAS and Fwd pipe Antje 4h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Jan 30 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept 2. Open HF & T2 30’ WP: Check position of 13.7 BP support: P Lepeule 0. EN-HE – lower 2 risers through PX56 2h WP: 3. Move HF-Z on 4 risers 4h WP: 1. Remove extension beam 2h WP: A. Survey and align BP Patrick + SU2h WP: B. Install tooling for removal of ext beam 2h WP: C. Perform load transfer 4h WP: C’. Support for load transfer 4h WP: D. Survey TAS and Fwd pipe Antje 4h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Jan 31 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept 1. Install HF- access gangway 2h WP: 1’. Install HF- tower reinforcement 3h WP: 3. Engage and survey 13.7m support 2h WP: 2. Move HF- towards IP Pascal 15’ WP: 2. Open HF & T2 30’ WP: Check position of 13.7 BP support: P Lepeule 0. EN-HE – lower 2 risers through PX56 2h WP: 3. Move HF on 4 risers 4h WP: 1. Remove extension beam 2h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Feb 1 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept b. Close T2, BSC, HF- & check VSC cables at 13.7 meter 1h WP: d. Engage HF X stops 1h WP: e. shim Collar 1h WP: c. Install brackets between CASTOR table and Plug 1h WP: a. Check position sensors 2h WP: a’. Survey BP 13.7m 3h WP: 1. Install HF+ access gangway 2h WP: 1’. Install HF+ tower reinforcement 3h WP: 3. Engage and survey 13.7m support 2h WP: 2. Move HF+ towards IP Pascal 15’ WP: c’. Survey HF- 2h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Feb 2 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept a. Close RS+Z (cheese wedges) Pascal 3h WP: b. Install wooden shims Dmitry 1h WP: a. Check position sensors 2h WP: a’. Survey BP 13.7m 3h WP: 052

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Feb 3 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Install PLT temporary cables Martin d1/2 WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Feb 6 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Install PLT temporary cables Martin d2/2 WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Feb 7 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Commission PLT at beam level 8h WP: Survey and Align PLT 4h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Feb 8 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Commission PLT at beam level 8h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Feb 9 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Commission PLT at beam level 8h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Feb 10 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept a. Close T2, BSC, HF+ & check VSC cables at 13.7 meter 1h WP: c. Engage HF X stops 1h WP: d. shim Collar 1h WP: b. Install brackets between CASTOR table and Plug 1h WP: e Close Collar 1h WP: b’. Survey HF- 2h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Feb 13 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept c. Start Pump down BP: Gerhard 1d WP: a. Close RS+Z (cheese wedges) Pascal 3h WP: b. Install wooden shims Dmitry 1h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Feb 14 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Pump down BP: Gerhard 1d WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Feb 15 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Pump down BP: Gerhard 1d WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Feb 16 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Pump down BP: Gerhard 1d WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Feb 17 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Pump down BP: Gerhard 1d WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Feb 20 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Pump down BP: Gerhard 1d WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Feb 21 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Pump down BP: Gerhard 1d WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Feb 22 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Pump down BP: Gerhard 1d WP: Remove SU brackets Antje 5h WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Feb 23 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Magnet ON Pump down BP: Gerhard 1d WP:

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Feb 24 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Complete Pump down BP: Gerhard 1d WP: Contingency for magnet restart

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Feb 27 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Contingency for magnet restart

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Feb 28 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Contingency for magnet restart

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Feb 29 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Contingency for magnet restart

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Mar 1 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Contingency for magnet restart

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Fri Mar 2 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Contingency for magnet restart

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Mon Mar 5 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Contingency for magnet restart

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Tue Mar 6 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Contingency for magnet restart

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Wed Mar 7 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Ready For Beam

Far side Near side -Z End +Z End 5m Thu Mar 8 ECAL CMXZEC CSC REDT+ RBTK FPIXSurvey HCAL TE-VSCEN Dept SL CP Availability of Services: Crane after 17:30N PlugClose TX54 CryogenicsEL powerWater cool.Database ITMagnetC6F14Gas GS Dept Beam ON