Site Health and Safety Induction Insert image of site Project Name: ???????????? Site working Hours: ??????????
The Project Team Contracts Manager Insert Photo’ Insert name Project Manager Insert Photo’ Insert name Site manager Foreman Site Supervisor Insert Photo’ Insert Photo’ Insert Photo’ Insert name Insert name Insert name
Site Welfare and Logistics Insert picture /layout of site Welfare facilities, fire points/escape routes, deliveries/stores areas, First aid facilities, traffic/pedestrian routes are shown as displayed on the above diagram
Welfare Facilities Eating and drinking in the canteen only Breakfast (Insert time) Lunch (Insert time) Please put your waste in the bins provided Treat the facilities with respect If you have any complaints or suggestions with regards the facilities please contact the site team SMOKING ONLY IN DESIGNATED AREA – NOT ON SITE
First Aid All accidents must be reported to xxxx first aider Do not remove anything from the scene of an accident unless authorised to do so by a xxxx Site manager The site first aiders are: Insert Photo’ Insert Photo’ Insert Photo’ Insert name Insert name Insert name
Fire Arrangements Fire points shown on the fire plan displayed If you discover a fire, raise the alarm immediately, using the fire point, and call the emergency services (if necessary) On hearing the alarm, make your way to the muster point Wait at the muster point and report to the fire marshal The Site Fire Marshalls Are: Insert names Do not attempt to fight the fire (unless it is safe to do so and you are trained to use a fire extinguisher). Do not re-enter the building until you are told to do so by a member of the xxxx project management Do not interfere with fire fighting or other safety equipment.
Method Statements, Risk Assessments and Toolbox talks NO Sub-Contractor can start work without the method statements and risk assessments, for the works, being in place and approved The Appropriate Method Statements and Risk Assessments must have been read and understood by each operative, who must present a copy of their signed method statement briefing register at this induction An on-site work related Toolbox Talk will be carried out on a weekly basis by your supervisor. Regular tool box talks regarding site specific environmental issues on the site will be given by your supervisor
Housekeeping and Storage Access and Egress Use the authorised Access Routes provided at all times Do not Obstruct Access/Egress Routes with Waste or Materials at any time Do not take short cuts Housekeeping and Storage Do NOT let waste materials build up Remove your waste regularly to the skips/bins provided Please keep access routes clear at all times Store your materials safely, maintaining good access for retrieving them when required A CLEAN SITE IS A SAFE SITE! Report any concerns you may have regarding Housekeeping and storage to the xxxx site team
Manual Handling Avoid manually handling loads whenever possible Use Mechanical Handling Equipment wherever possible to reduce the likelihood of injuries, such as sprains, strains and crushing injuries Check your access routes are free from obstruction and slip/trip hazards before handling Wear the correct PPE whilst handling to reduce injury potential Ask for help if you cannot lift/carry the load comfortably – NEVER struggle with a load, it may cause you serious injury
Flammable liquids and LPG Store away from other fuels and source of ignition Must be stored in a lockable compound with warning signage posted. Gases MUST be stored in a suitable cage Liquid must be stored in a bund Fire Extinguishers must be located adjacent to the storage compound If re-fuelling, use a pump or a funnel Containers must always be kept closed with the lid/cap secured when not in use Report any spillages to the site team
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Ensure you read and understand the COSHH Assessment for substance you use as part of your work. Always check the label of a Substance before Use Use the correct PPE for using a substance, which should be provided by your employer Substances must be stored in a bund of at least 110% the container size Report and spillages to the xxxx Project Manager
Asbestos Asbestos has / has not (delete as applicable) been identified on this site State Areas If you come across any material you believe to be asbestos at any time, cordon the area off and REPORT it immediately to the Project Manager NEVER enter an area which has been cordoned off for asbestos removal NEVER attempt to move / remove any material – we have a competent contractor to do this if required
Hot Works HOT WORKS PERMITS must be obtained from the xxxx Site Team prior to starting any hot cutting or burning activity You MUST have a suitable Fire Extinguisher and hot works permit with you at all times during the HOT works being undertaken Check the works area before Hot Works and ensure the area is free from Flammable and Combustible Materials ALWAYS check your working area at the end of your shift, or on completion of works, and return the permit for sign off.
Electricity 110V tools only on site PAT tested and have a valid tag displayed Check your tools before you use them, REPORT any damage to your line manager and get a suitable replacement DO NOT use faulty or damaged equipment at any time Do NOT attempt to carry out any repair or maintenance work to tools or equipment unless you are trained, authorised and competent to do so
Plant DO NOT operate plant unless you have been trained and are competent and authorised to do so Reversing plant MUST be guided by a Competent Vehicle Banksman Plant MUST operate within Site Speed Limits MEWPs MUST be cordoned off for works, with sufficient Barriers and signage MEWP Platforms must be lowered for movement across site NEVER stand on the guardrails of a MEWP – work from the platform of the basket only All plant MUST stay within the designated Traffic Routes when moving around site
Machinery and Equipment ONLY trained and competent persons must use machinery on site All static machinery MUST be cordoned off from others during use Guards MUST be in place at all times throughout use Check your machinery/equipment before using it for faults/damage REPORT any faults/damage to your line manager immediately NEVER use faulty/damages equipment
Lifting Operations ALL lifting operations must be planned and carried out by competent, certificated persons A suitable and sufficient Lifting Plan and Individual Lifting Risk Assessment must be in place before a lifting operation takes place ONLY Certificated Slingers/Signallers may sling a load Be aware of where lifting operations are taking place – NEVER walk under a load Slinger/Signallers must wear ORANGE Hi-Vis for identification
Work at Height Work at Height is still the main cause of death in the Construction Industry If you are required to Work at Height as a part of your job you must be trained and competent to do so Check your works location is safe to enter before starting work, ensuring Edge Protection is in place Where Safety Harnesses must be worn CHECK the condition of the equipment before each working shift Work with Safety Harnesses or other Personal Fall Protection MUST be identified by your risk assessments and method statements and authorised by the xxxx Project Manager
Scaffolding NEVER interfere with Scaffolding at any time, unless you are trained, competent and authorised to do so Anyone found tampering with Scaffold will be removed immediately – this is a criminal offence Scaffolding Platforms must have a double guardrail and toe-boards at all times. Scaffold Platforms will have Scafftags in place to indicate condition If you have any concerns about the safety of any scaffold or other works access or area – DO NOT USE IT, REPORT IT TO A xxxx Manager IMMEDIATELY
Mobile Scaffold Towers and Podium Steps DO NOT alter, erect or dismantle a Mobile Scaffold Tower unless you are trained, competent and authorised to do so A Double Guardrail, Toe-boards and suitable access ladder and working platform must be in place at all times for use Ensure you “Lock off” the wheels of a Mobile Tower or Podium Steps before accessing the equipment DO NOT move a Mobile Tower or Podium Steps whilst you or any other person are on the platform If you believe any Mobile Tower or Podium Steps to be unsafe REPORT IT immediately to your line manager A “Scaff-Tag” must be completed and displayed on all Towers and Podiums
Ladders and Step Ladders Step Ladders MUST NOT be used where it is possible to use a safer means of access (i.e. Podium Steps or Mobile Scaffold Towers) A RISK ASSESSMENT MUST BE IN PLACE for Use of Ladders/Step-Ladders prior to use All Step Ladders MUST be INDUSTRIAL CLASS – Domestic Steps will be removed to the site skip without notice Ladders must be tied/footed at all times You must not stand on the top 3 rungs of any ladder for access or short duration works. Maintain 3 points of contact at all times Ladders and Step-Ladders must be inspected prior to use and in good condition; Damaged Equipment must be removed from site immediately
Permit to Work (PTW) Permits to Work are issued by the xxxx site Team where required, the following Permits to Work must be obtained prior to commencing work (where applicable): Hot Works Permit Permit for Isolation of Services Permit to Load Permit to Strike Permit for Confined Spaces Working Permit to Dig This list is not exhaustive and other PTW’s will be issued where required
Biological Health Hazard LEPTOSPIROSIS (WEIL’S DISEASE) Through contact with Rats Urine Causes liver and kidney damage and in the worst cases, Death Flu-like Symptoms including aching, headache, nausea Reduce risk by wearing suitable gloves, cover open wounds with waterproof dressings; wash your hands before eating, drinking or smoking, placing your waste in the bins provided PSITTACOSIS Usually through contact with dust or droplets in air contaminated with bird faeces Causes fever, joint and muscle pains and respiratory damage Symptoms are flu-like, such as chills, aching, headache, abdominal pain Reduce Risk by wearing respiratory protection if exposed, washing hand regularly and not smoking in works areas REPORT any symptoms to the Project Manager immediately, who will provide you with information to present to your GP on attendance
Alcohol and Drugs WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ON SITE AT ANY TIME Persons found to be under the influence of Alcohol and Drugs WILL BE REMOVED FROM SITE IMMEDIATELY and their Company Directors informed If you believe anyone to be under the influence of Alcohol or Drugs whilst on site, please report to a xxxx manager immediately – Theirs and Others Safety is at risk Xxxxx reserve the right to carry out random drug testing on site
Environmental/Weather Hazards WORK IN THE SUN Cover your skin Use a high level sun block and apply it regularly Drink water regularly to avoid dehydration Wear suitable eye protection if required NO SHORTS on site – Full length trousers and short sleeve T-shirt are the minimum clothing requirement WINTER WORKING Check Access routes and take care when handling materials – they may be slippery Clear of any ice/frost from your works accesses if required and check work access equipment for faults/damage Xxxxx will ensure general site access routes are maintained
Vibration HAND AND ARM VIBRATION SYNDROME (HAVS) Caused via use of vibrating tools or equipment over long or repeated use Can cause permanent damage to the muscles, blood vessels, nerves and tendons of the hand, wrist and arm Symptoms include tingling of the fingers, blanching (whitening) and numbness of the fingers, aching and stiffness Reduce risk by wearing suitable gloves, taking regular rest breaks and rotating you work activities as advised by your employer
Noise Exposure to noise can have a Permanent Effect on your hearing, causing temporary or permanent hearing loss or Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) Hearing Protection Zones are shown using Signage. You MUST wear hearing protection at all times when in these areas Ensure you wear the Correct Type of Hearing Protection – your employer will advise you on this and issue the hearing protection required Wear Hearing Protection whenever you are working with machinery or in noisy areas
Respect for Neighbours and Environment Possible Considerations: Restricted Working Hours Minimisation of Dusts, Fumes and Noise Preventing Spillage of Chemicals Good Housekeeping Practices NO Abusive language, Shouting or whistling Inform the Project Manager immediately if any complains are made