Housing Selection
1.Sign Housing Contract (Due: February 28 th ) 2.Pre-Registration (February 28 th – March 7 th ) Choose a Group Captain Roommate Selection Roommate Confirmation 3.Housing Selection i.CC 3 – CC 8:March 24 th – March 27 th ii.CC 1 – CC 2:March 31 st – April 3 rd All Steps are completed on-line in MyBentley Important Dates
Sign Housing Contract The housing contract is for the entire academic year. You must click “I Agree” on every page to successfully sign the contract (13 pages). Students must complete the contract before grouping. You will receive confirmation upon completion of the contract.
Pre-Registration Select your group captain. The captain is responsible for roommate and room selection. The captain will sign into MyBentley and proceed to Pre- Registration They will select the number of people they wish to live with - not including the captain. All eligible students will be sent individual Housing ID’s on February 28 th The Captain will enter the Housing ID of all roommates in the group and click submit. The captain does NOT enter their own Housing ID
If the list of roommates is correct, the captain will click confirm and receive a message indicating that Roommate Selection has been successfully completed. If a roommate(s) hasn’t completed the housing contract, has already been selected for another group or is otherwise ineligible for Housing Selection – An error message will appear. All roommates except the Captain must confirm in order to receive a room selection date and time The names of all roommates will appear: If the grouping is correct - select I Accept If the grouping is incorrect - select I do NOT accept An including the confirmation status of all roommates will be sent every time a roommate confirms.
An will be sent on March 11 th with the confirmed group’s average completed credits (this will contain calculations which include any additions or deductions of credits) Credit calculations are based on total earned credits of all group members as well as any additions or deductions ADDITIONS: President’s List (+6)/Dean’s List (+3) DEDUCTIONS: Residential (-15)/Disciplinary Probation (-30) Suspended Suspension from Housing/University (-30) Room Selection Dates and times are assigned in descending total credit order and will be ed on March 18 th At your specified selection date and time, the Captain will go to the Residential Center to participate in housing selection
The Captain should have a plan in place in terms of selecting the buildings/rooms the group is looking to select. Captain should utilize the rolling screen (located on Mybentley) up until the time of selection. Each group should have multiple housing options in mind prior to selection. The Captain should come to selection prepared with roommate pairings. The Captain should have plans in place in case the group has to break up. Tips for Selecting Suites/North Campus: You must fill a complete bedroom, meaning 1 person can go into a single, 2 people into a double.
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Mixed Gender Housing (North Campus B) Exchange Hosting Program (Campus Wide) Global Living Center (Orchard North) Wellness (Copley North Ground Floor) Bentley Leadership Floor (Fenway) Interested in Specialty Housing? All Applications can be found by visiting Bentley.edu and are due: February 27th