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Webinar Topic Overview What is a Filter? How to create Filters Applying Filters to other areas of Neoserra, including: Using client Filters to populate mass e-mail recipient lists Using client Filters to narrow report output Using client Filters as a basis for viewing activity records Using client Filters to create a batch of counseling sessions Using client Filters to reassign primary counselors Managing saved Filters Cool Filtering features
What is a Filter? Subsets are now called Filters A Filter is a user-defined grouping of records in the Neoserra database that share one or more common criteria. Filters can be created for almost every record type. Filters are accessed from the “blue ribbon” or magnifying glass Filters are persistent Saved filters can be accessed from the “Filter” menu and can be deleted from Manage|Saved Filters FAQ: http://www.outreachsystems.com/resources/help/neoserra/faq.jsp?id=n64
What Is a Filter? A Filter can be as complicated as: Finding all clients that have (or have not) been counseled within a certain time frame Finding all woman-owned businesses located in a particular congressional district that have a Web site, have more than one full-time employee, and have attended one of your program’s events within the last year There is no limit to the number of criteria you can string together…
Creating a Filter Golden Rule: Have a very clear idea of exactly what you want to accomplish with your Filter For example, what does “find all active clients” mean to you? Is it: Any client in the database that hasn’t been inactivated? Or is it: Any client that has received counseling recently? If so, how recently? And what type of counseling? Or is it: Any client that has received counseling or attended an event or is subscribing to Bid Match? All of the above are possible. You just need to identify your exact needs before getting started!
Demonstration Find all Woman-Owned Clients in State District CA-30
Demonstration Find all Woman-Owned Clients in State District CA-30 excluding Veteran-Owned Businesses
Demonstration Find all Woman-Owned Clients in State District CA-30 excluding Veteran-Owned Businesses AND who have been counseled in the last 12 months
Demonstration Find all Woman-Owned Clients in State District CA-30 excluding Veteran-Owned Businesses who have been counseled in the last 12 months across ALL centers
Demonstration Sending a Mass E-mail to Filter Members
Demonstration Generating a Report Based On a Filter
Demonstration Using a Client Filter to Narrow the Display of Client Activity Records Let’s do this two different ways!
Demonstration Find all Woman-Owned Clients in State District CA-30 excluding Veteran-Owned Businesses who have been counseled in the last 12 months across all centers who have been counseled regarding a Business Plan.
Using a Client Filter to Create a Batch of Counseling Sessions (Admins only) You can simultaneously create multiple counseling session records to easily document an outreach effort made to a large number of clients For example, you can document: An e-mail sent to all woman-owned businesses that details relevant changes in government contracting A conference call for HUBZone businesses To easily assign potentially hundreds (or thousands) of clients to a counseling session, create a Filter first and then assign the entire Filter to counseling session record This is great for mass closeouts! FAQ Resource: http://www.outreachsystems.com/resources/help/Neoserra/faq/25.asp (you can also type “batch counseling sessions” into Neoserra’ Help field to reach this resource)
Demonstration (Admins only) Using a Client Filter to Create a Batch of Counseling Sessions Closeouts Batch counseling Mass updates (including counselor transfers)
Managing Saved Filters Under Manage|Saved Filters, you can perform several actions upon Filters YOU have previously saved: Share with other users Delete the Filter Edit the Filter Underlying SQL (be careful!) Which centers records are pulled from (make sure this is compatible with who you’ve shared Filter with) NOTE: Neoserra administrators have access to all saved Filters
Demonstration Managing Saved Filters
Cool Filterting Features Let’s look at some more advanced Filterting features. For example let’s find: All clients who do NOT have an email address All clients who do not have a nine-digit zip All clients who have a referral from description All clients who have NOT been counseled in the last 90 days