Quick Enroll For Academic Success Specialists
Agenda What is Quick Enroll What you CAN and CAN’T do Basic Procedures (demo and practice) Responding to Errors (open discussion) Signing up
What is Quick Enroll? This is Bob. You advise Bob. It’s the day before classes start, and Bob hasn’t signed up for a critically tracked class for this semester. Bob needs to drop “Underwater Basket Weaving” and take the critically tracked class he needs to stay on track. Bob “promises” to do that.
What is Quick Enroll? Now you are meeting with Bob. Before Quick Enroll, you could let Bob log on computer and add the class, or you could trust that he would do it on his own… Now you can add the class to his schedule of classes for him, during your meeting.
What CAN you do You can enroll students in any course offered by your college. You can enroll students in courses outside your college if it doesn’t require an override. You can Add, Drop, or Swap You can only add a course for GNA grading basis or for audit.
What CAN’T you do Quick enroll only works during the same time period that the student can enroll. (Enrollment appt, through 1 st week of classes). Any problems that the student would encounter in enrolling – you will encounter (holds, lack of pre-requisites, class full, time conflict, etc.) You must be careful about affecting the student’s status – (dropping below full time, affecting financial aid, etc.)
Enrollment Calendar Recap Fall and Spring Semesters Drop with a W First week of classes Open Enrollment Enrollment Appointments Term Activation Several weeks 1 mo before enrollment appts Several weeks Seniors, Freshman, Athletes, Honors, Juniors, Sophomores. Quick Enroll
Basic Procedure: Check Status To Quick Enroll a student, they must be eligible to enroll with no holds that prevent them from enrolling in a class. Navigation: Campus Community > Student Services Center (Academics Tab)
Basic Procedure: Search Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Quick Enroll a Student “Add a new value” tab is the default Caution! Magnifying glass takes a long time! Quicker to bring affiliate ID of student from student services center! Career = ugrd or grad Term = current term Click “Add”
Basic Procedure: Enrollment tab Actions = Enroll, Drop or Swap Class Nbr = 5 digit section line number Related Class = labs, recitations, etc.
Basic Procedure – using the
Basic Procedure: Units and Grades GNA = normal grading AUD = Audit (no grade) XDo NOT input grade XDo NOT use Repeat code Unit taken will be editable if the class can be taken for variable credit
Basic Procedure: Other Class Info XIf the class has instructor-selection enabled, choose here. XDon’t use the other fields on this tab.
Basic Procedure: Other Class Info XMOVE ALONG! Nothing to see on this tab! If you need to give an over-ride, use the screens under “Records & Enrollment> Term Processing” (additional roles required)
Basic Procedure: Other Class Info XMOVE ALONG! Nothing to see on this tab! If you need to give an over-ride, use the screens under “Records & Enrollment> Term Processing” (additional roles required)
Basic Procedure: Submit Click Submit to make the “Action” happen.
Results There are three possible results: Success, Message and Error. “Message” means “Success with more info”
Error Handling! If there are errors – a link appears. Clicking on the link provides information. Fix the problem (using the error message guide in the BPG) and then START A NEW Quick Enrollment
Error Log – Check Message txt
Other Topics – Enrollment Request Search If you have “ASU Enrollment Advising Update” access, you can view the enrollment requests for your students. The next slides show how to do this.
Optional: Enrollment Request Search Records and Enrollments > Enroll Students > Enrollment Request Search Put in Career, Term, ID (caution! Slow prompt!) Click Search. Each row is an attempt to drop, add, swap.
Next Steps Apply for this new PeopleSoft role: SR_Advisor Quick Enroll You can apply from My ASU.
Exercises Login to USERID = SRADV00n PSWRD= SRADV00n Follow directions on exercise sheet.