INAP Conference Italy- Turin September Transition to employment of apprenticeship after graduation Obstacles in Syria Transition to employment of apprenticeship after graduation Obstacles in Syria Eng.Anton Aljouni HRM/D Freelance consultant Eng.Anton Aljouni HRM/D Freelance consultant Yomna Dallal Bashi Apprenticeship Data Base Manager Yomna Dallal Bashi Apprenticeship Data Base Manager
Syria Aleppo Hama Homs Population 22,331,000 Area 18,517,971 [hectares] Economic Environment Ongoing transfer process to Socio-Market Economy
Agenda Introduction Introduction 1) Employment Process in Syria 1) Employment Process in Syria 2) Analysis of apprentices employment process 2) Analysis of apprentices employment process 3) Restriction and obstacles for suitable employment 3) Restriction and obstacles for suitable employment 4) Results and Proposals 4) Results and Proposals
Introduction The apprentices employment in Syria after 9 years is that the rate of employed apprentices from total graduates is very low This paper tries to analyze the obstacles of apprentices the obstacles of apprentices in the transition to employment. in the transition to employment. A set of indicators will be discussed which help to specify the obstacles of A set of indicators will be discussed which help to specify the obstacles of apprenticeship employment process apprenticeship employment process
1) Employment Process in Syria Informal “ Traditional Apprenticeship ” Typical type of traditional apprenticeship in MEDA region Mainly in Informal Industrial sector and other economic sectors (Construction, Tourism, Agriculture,..) No statistics about this type of learning
1) Employment Process in Syria Graduates Employees Government employment offices Queue Official Process. Unofficial Process. Job Fairs Private employment offices Random employment
Government employment offices Queue ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Poor relations with private sector, Central decisions Bureaucracy Confidential, Free service, Public sector employment, Career guidance service, Social aspects, Huge database. 1) Employment Process in Syria
Job Fairs ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES limited to 2 governorates only, in some cases high cost direct relation between employer and job seeker, organised process, short time. 1) Employment Process in Syria
Private employment offices ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Not well organised, non- legislative, charged service, hasn’t career guidance service, hasn’t social aspect. Flexibility, try to have a good responsiveness to private sector. 1) Employment Process in Syria
Training contract Not employment contact Moral obligation Official training during study School board Allowance to students Training log book Summer training It is optional School board not involved Temporary employee according to low Building the trust Transfer to employee Obtain VET certificate Skilled worker 2) Analysis of apprentices employment process
Damascus The table shows the law percentag e of employed graduates which is 24%. 2) Analysis of apprentices employment process
Some students are employed and are studying in university or intermediat e institute at the same time so they counted twice Aleppo 2) Analysis of apprentices employment process
Aleppo Some students are employed and are studying in university or intermediate institute at the same time so they counted twice 2) Analysis of apprentices employment process
The figures show low rate of employment for apprenticeship graduates, it is 24% in Damascus, 17.5% in Aleppo, 5.5% in Homs, in average it is about 15.6% 2) Analysis of apprentices employment process
obstacles for suitable employment Leg. factors Political factors Social factors Eco. Factors Eco. Factors 3) Restriction and obstacles for suitable employment
Arab Free Trade Agreement, Turkish-Syrian free trade agreement importing clothing products from China decrease in demand for clothing industry workers Economic Factors affects adversely the private sector willing to participate in appren Most of apprentices try to postpone their work decision by enrolling into industrial institutes years Social Factors Female employees ratio in industrial private sector is 4,64 % and in public one 11,38% Most parents prefer follow– up higher education because this improves the public sector employment, and improve social image 3) Restriction and obstacles for suitable employment
The political situation has led to the existence of compulsory military service for males at the termination of their education most young people seek to extend the periods of education Political Factors Employer refusing to support the system in training student. Training contract is just a training contract without any legislative force to employment, years Legisla- tive. Factors influence negatively the effectiveness of apprenticeship system. (Unfair) current labour law and absent of effective security insurance legalization, 3) Restriction and obstacles for suitable employment
The effectiveness of of graduates’ employment in apprenticeship companies or others is very low There are a lot of factors influences the employment process and the employment rate The factors which apprenticeship can deal with is restricted to, that which apprenticeship partners can influence on. 4) Results and Proposals RESULTS
limit the percentage of higher education after secondary school by 25-30% from total graduates Introduction of a two-year ‘supervised employment’ serve in the army according to the profession Use of careers advisor Awareness events to apprentices and their parents about private sector. Awareness events to employers about HRM/D, Introducing a training/employment contract that should be used in addition to the existing training contract in a flexible way 4) Results and Proposals PROPOSALS Social Area Military service Learning pathway Training Contract
Apprenticeship authorities has to build a relationship with government employment office and private employment office, also with NGO’s like SYEA (SAYRIA ENTERPRENURE ACCOISTATION) to recognise apprenticeship graduates, and to help apprentices seeking jobs. All of these proposals will be effective if implemented in parallel. 4) Results and Proposals