MICE CM January 2009Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 1 EMR Issues o Detector o Front end electronics o Funding and Plan Jean-Sebastien Graulich, Geneva.


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Presentation transcript:

MICE CM January 2009Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 1 EMR Issues o Detector o Front end electronics o Funding and Plan Jean-Sebastien Graulich, Geneva

Detector Concept  EMR: Electron Muon Ranger Aka EMCal/SW  70 cm of fully active scintillator, highly segmented Track Properties: Muons show tracks; Electrons converted in EM showers in KL show scattered hits dE/dx along Z Muons have constant dE/dX up to the Bragg peak Electrons have large fluctuations in Energy loss which tends to decrease with Z MICE CM January 2009Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 2 e+e+e+e+ µ+µ+µ+µ+

Detector Prototype  Use extruded scintillator  Light collected by WLS fibers  Coupled with Multi-anode PMTs  Prototype built with rectangular shape (Trieste) Tested in beam at CERN in June 2008 MICE CM January 2009Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 3

Detector Design (Trieste)  Current design use triangular shape (a la Minerva) Base: 33mm, height:17 mm (nominal), Length: 990 mm 59 bars per layer 40 layers Total thickness: 680 mm MICE CM January 2009Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 4 Total: 2360 channels One M64 Pmt per layer for the first 32 layers (59 channels per Pmt) Two M256 Pmts for the last 8 layers (236 channels per Pmt)

Front End Electronics  Designed by Trieste/Como  Charge measurement using last dynode signal connected to fADC  Custom made digital electronics MICE CM January 2009Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 5 For more details see Gianrossano’s talk at CM22 Proposal submitted to TB

Planning  One big issue INFN hasn’t approved the project yet The relevant committee hasn’t met and haven’t fixed a date for the meeting All plans dependent on that  Construction Mechanical assembly takes ~6 months Electronics production takes ~3 months BUT it requires prototyping first (~6 months) Moreover, prototype tests should use final detector…  Goal EMR at RAL in December 2009 Already very tight schedule Impossible if INFN doesn’t decide before March MICE CM January 2009Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 6

Funding  Original table from Gianrossano Fermilab: Scintillator + WLS (~35 kEUR) But it assumed WLS from surplus which is not possible Geneva: 12 M64 PMTs, 4 fADCs, VME Crates, ASICs for FEE ) (~80 kEUR) Trieste: 20 M64 PMTs, 2 M256 PMTs(~40 kEUR) Already in hand from previous experiment Trieste: Construction and some electronics(~15 kEUR) Requested to INFN  Total 170 kEUR  Not included Developing cost for Electronics (Como) Board production, FPGAs, etc HV system (Geneva Surplus) MICE CM January 2009Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 7

The EMR group  Trieste INFN and Trieste University- Physics Department Gianrossano Giannini, Erik Vallazza, Stefano Reia (M.T.), Dario Iugovaz (M.T.), Mauro Bari (E.T.), Giulio Orzan (E.T.)  Como Univ. and INFN-MiB Michela Prest, Valerio Mascagna Michela’s Boys&Girls: Andrea, Daniela, Davide, Said  University of Geneva MICE CM January 2009Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 8