Ethics of Social Media
Some AP recommendations: One account per site that is used both personally and professionally. Monitor your profile page to make sure material posted by others doesn’t violate standards; if yes, delete it. Use Twitter’s list function to keep track of tweets rather than following people You can extend and accept friends requests from sources but “be mindful”
Refrain from declaring views on contentious issues in a public forum (Sports and entertainment OK if not trash-talking) Remember any response could go viral
When seeking information On social networks, you should identify yourself as a journalist, tell recipients if you're using social networks in a professional capacity and remain mindful that people will regard you as a representative of your newsroom, says Kelly McBride, ethics group leader at the Poynter Institute.
AP rules for using information “You must never simply lift quotes, photos or video from social networking sites and attribute them to the name on the profile or feed where you found the material.” You must verify accounts Don’t break news first on social media that hasn’t gone on the AP wire. Can share your stories, etc. on personal blogs AFTER and as long as you give AP credit
Don't credit the platform when you use content from social, credit the user or account. Have a plan for how you do that. It's better to ask for permission even if you can make a fair use argument Tools such as Geofeedia can aid in search of geolocated, mobile uploads for help w/ veriifying content.Geofeediaveriifying content Check users' social media footprints before quoting a tweet or pic as breaking news
NPR adds Don’t just spread information. Be thoughtful. People will assume what you pass along from other media is from NPR. Be transparent. Let listeners know what has and hasn’t been confirmed. Photos. Can be altered. Use healthy skepticism.
Metasourcing A new role of confirmation that mainstream media often play in the social media sphere: metasources use their authority, expertise and experience to comment on the validity of non- coventional sources, and put them into political and social perspective.”
"Our new rules will reinforce the idea that these are public spaces and what they are saying is not private and their cyber footprint can be seen," he says. "They need to act professionally and realize what they can and cannot do in terms of exposing a political bias or creating a perception of favoritism:" Ken Chavez, assistant managing editor for interactive media at the Sacramento Bee Example Social Media policies for reportersSocial Media policies