1 Intervention devant le groupe statistique de la Feantsa – 05/09/08 Observatoire national du numéro d’urgence 115 Context in France Software to collect data from 115 Carole Lardoux
2 Intervention devant le groupe statistique de la Feantsa – 05/09/08 Observatoire national du numéro d’urgence 115 Context in France
3 Intervention devant le groupe statistique de la Feantsa – 05/09/08 Observatoire national du numéro d’urgence 115 Winter : the “Médecins du Monde” organisation handed out tents to homeless people in Paris Winter : the “Médecins du Monde” organisation handed out tents to homeless people in Paris The end of 2006 : a civic protest action by the EDDQ organisation – tents in Canal Saint Martin The end of 2006 : a civic protest action by the EDDQ organisation – tents in Canal Saint Martin November 2007 : French Consensus Conference organised by Fnars in Paris November 2007 : French Consensus Conference organised by Fnars in Paris The proposal to organise this Consensus Conference was prompted by a desire to stimulate debates on homelessness, objectivize the social sector’s problems, and work out a set of principles that could be agreed by all of the key actors so as to improve public policies on homelessness
4 Intervention devant le groupe statistique de la Feantsa – 05/09/08 Observatoire national du numéro d’urgence 115 December 2007, the EDDQ decided to pitch new tents in Paris, near Notre-Dame cathedral December 2007, the EDDQ decided to pitch new tents in Paris, near Notre-Dame cathedral => the public authorities had still not resolved the problem of homeless people 30 associations and national federations concerned with homelessness“ 30 associations and national federations concerned with homelessness => “collectif associatif“ This collectif argued that the funding announced (250 million euros instead of the 1.5 billion euro called for) was too little to implement the policy measures they had put to the Prime Minister and he had endorsed This collectif argued that the funding announced (250 million euros instead of the 1.5 billion euro called for) was too little to implement the policy measures they had put to the Prime Minister and he had endorsed => The night of solidarity: 21 February 2008 : a protest and a mass sleep-out for housing in the place de la République in Paris, near Canal Saint Martin
5 Intervention devant le groupe statistique de la Feantsa – 05/09/08 Observatoire national du numéro d’urgence 115 The Prime Minister tasked Etienne Pinte to work with the voluntary agencies and to sign a contract “with more concrete and detailed objectives” The Prime Minister tasked Etienne Pinte to work with the voluntary agencies and to sign a contract “with more concrete and detailed objectives” => The voluntary agencies then worked together over three weeks to draw up 13 “immediate pledges”
6 Intervention devant le groupe statistique de la Feantsa – 05/09/08 Observatoire national du numéro d’urgence 115 April 2008: the Prime Minister announced the appointment of someone (“super prefect”) to coordinate implementation of the action plan for homeless people The Prime Minister signed a departmental instruction on “the implementation of the priority agenda for shelter and access to housing for homeless people”
7 Intervention devant le groupe statistique de la Feantsa – 05/09/08 Observatoire national du numéro d’urgence 115 Barometer of exclusion Pie chart with 3 colors: Pie chart with 3 colors: What is done : green, What is done : green, What is going to be done : orange, What is going to be done : orange, What hasn’t begun : gray. What hasn’t begun : gray. Measures of Measures of Governance Governance Prevention Prevention Housing Housing
8 Intervention devant le groupe statistique de la Feantsa – 05/09/08
10 Intervention devant le groupe statistique de la Feantsa – 05/09/08 Observatoire national du numéro d’urgence 115 Two working groups Social observation Only one record system to have financial, administrative information and information about homeless people who are in the street, in shelter, in hostel… Data available for State services, NGO … To list all places where could be homeless people: shelters, hotels rooms, no conventional dwelling … To list all places where could be homeless people: shelters, hotels rooms, no conventional dwelling … => improve the File Finess which is used for census and a lot of studies (administrative and NGO)