Chocolate Everyone of us has already tasted chocolate. It's melting on the tongue and most of us really like it. Today, we know many different kinds of chocolate and other people in the world use their own recipes.
History of chocolate Historians suppose, that cocoa plant was discovered by Aztecs. First European, who brought cocoa plant to Europe, was Hernando Cortez. First bar of chocolate was made Joseph Storrs Fry in 1848.
Poor people hasn't known chocolate for long time. But it became very favourite coveted sweet by almost everyone. Many people believe, that chocolate affect on them by magic impressions.
The first bars of chocolate were made by British company Fry's from Bristol about in the year Swiss Daniel Peter invented milk chocolate which was named Gala Peter in 1875.
Cocoa plant Cocoa plant is grown in tropical countries near the equator. It needs a hot climate and plenty of sun. Growing cocoa plant request time, skill and patience.
Cocoa beans are planted and four years the young cocoa trees begin appear. The cocoa pods turn yellow when they are ripe. The farm workers cut the cocoa pods and take out the beans. The beans are dried for twenty days. They turn brown. Then they are sold and sent all ower the world.
Chocolate in the world Consuntion of chocolate is bigger during last years. British, German and Swiss eat the most kilos of chocolate. The least kilos of chocolate eat Spanish. 90% of population in the USA eat chocolate every day.
And some interesting picture for end
Good appetite!