R&D COMMERCIALIZATION OFFICES AS AN ELEMENT OF THE REGIONAL INNOVATIVE SYSTEM International Conference “Intellectual Property Commercialization at Russian Universities” Yekaterinburg, 9-10 December 2003 V.I.Zinchenko, S.V.Melchenko Tomsk Regional Administration
General objective of R&D development: Sustainable economic development of the Tomsk region based on ts scientific and technological potential Criterion of reaching the objective: Share of innovative produce in the regional industrial output increment Basic index size in 2001 – 10% Forecast index size in 2010 – 50%
INNOVATIVE ECONOMY YearV RUR billion Vin RUR billion Vin/V % ΔVin/ΔV % ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
AREAS OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT Technological Ares Output volume, RUR billion Creating electronic devices3.5 Nanostructural materials and products 0.5 Medical technology1.6 Construction materials and technologies 1.4 Biotechnologies1.6 IT2.5
Enterprise Research organization Idea Prototype Model Experi- mental series Modified series Innovation chain: R&D contest RTP Guarantees Bank interests Regional financing
Enterprise Research organization Idea Prototype Model Experi- Mental series Modifies series Innovative chain: TTO BI ITC Technology park Infrastructure:
TTO CREATION IN THE TOMSK REGION 2001 – 2002 Working out TTO ideology within the ТАСIS FINRUS 9804 project “Innovative Centers and Science Towns” 2002 Personnel training at specialized seminars and short-term internship programs 2002 – 2003 Holding R&D tenders within the frames of the regional innovative program RESULT: 6 TT Offices have been set up at four Universities and two academic institutes
R&D COMPETITIVE SELECTION CRITERIA IN THE TOMSK REGION 1.Preparedness of the organization management to create a TT Office 1.TTO staff qualification 2.Availability of commercially valuable R&D for pilot projects 3. Existence of technical possibilities for TTO organization (premises, communications, work places) 4.Annual plans of TTO staff (number of license agreements, new small enterprises, etc.)
ROLE OF TTO IN INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY IN THE TOMSK REGION 1.Structure of preparation and implementation of projects monitored by the Tomsk Regional Administration 2. Source of information for potential buyers of university R&D 3.Executor of any instructions of the university administration in the innovative sphere 4.Support of developers in their interaction with enterprises
TTO POTENTIAL IN FINANCING SCIENCE IN THE TOMSK REGION License fees – from RUR 40 million per year Founders’ revenues – from RUR 100 million per year Contractual R&D – from RUR 200 million per year
MAIN RESULTS OF TTO FIRST YEAR PERFORMANCE 1.University policy in the IP sphere approved by rector 2.Development of TTO operating procedures: -form of receiving information; -method of information processing; -form and channels of distributing information for consumers 3.Developing R&D commercialization patterns on the basis of pilot projects
ANTICIPATED TTO PERFORMANCE RESULTS IN THE SECOND YEAR 1. Channeling the main information flow on current university R&D to TTO 2. Forming qualified TTO staff 3. Establishing close ties with regional enterprises whose lines of activity are close to university scientific research 4. Emergence of the first financial inputs, compensation of 10-15% of TTO expenses from its operating proceeds
EXPERIENCE OF THE TOMCK REGION IN TTO CREATION - TTO creation ideology – report on the draft RF Education Ministry; - Model Statute of Work with IP at a University (university IP policy); - Model Statute of University TTO; - Book-keeping and tax accounting of IP in budgetary and commercial organizations; - Results of study of small enterprises’ needs for innovation
CONTACT INFORMATION Melchenko Sergei Vladimirovich Tel