LENA Scintillator Characterization Transregio 27 SFB-Tage in Heidelberg 9/10. Juli 2009 Michael Wurm
Outline Properties of Scintillation Signal Scattering Length Experiment Light Yield Time Resolution LENA Scintillator Characterization – Michael Wurm, TUM1
LENA SCIENTIFIC GOALS Low-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics SCIENTIFIC GOALS Nucleondecay Supernova neutrinos Diffuse SN neutrinos Geoneutrinos Solar neutrinos Atmosphericneutrinos Neutrino propertiesby reactors/accelerators Indirectdark matter search Liquid Scintillator ca. 50kt PXE/LAB Inner Nylon Vessel radius: 13m Buffer Region inactive, Dr = 2m Steel Tank, PMs r = 15m, h = 100m high demands on the optical transparency of the scintillator Water Cherenkov Veto 1500 PMTs, Dr > 2m Egg-Shaped Cavern about 10 8 m 3 Overburden: 4000 mwe
Signal Energy and Timing Energy Resolution Light Yield (/MeV):10 4 Photoactive Coverage: 30% PMT Photoefficiency:20% + Light Absorption/Scattering Photoelectrons/MeV<600 e Light intensity in distance r: I 0 initial intensity Lattenuation length: LENA Scintillator Characterization – Michael Wurm, TUM3
Signal Energy and Timing Energy Resolution Light Yield (/MeV):10 4 Photoactive Coverage: 30% PMT Photoefficiency:20% + Light Absorption/Scattering Photoelectrons/MeV<600 Timing Resolution Fluorescence constants: fast componentca. 3ns slow component(s)>20ns Time of flight diff. O(100ns) Light Scattering Leading edge determines timing Trailing edge for particle ID Light scattering has impact on both light yield and pulse shape... LENA Scintillator Characterization – Michael Wurm, TUM4
Microscopic Processes Mie Scattering off small particulates ( m) in the liquid anisotropic emission increased forward scattering amplitude, depending on diameter removable by filtering θ θ Rayleigh Scattering off bound electrons in the scintillator anisotropic emission: fully polarized for orthogonal parallel to light direction Absorption/Reemission off organic molecules/impurities in the liquid isotropic re-emission: depends on wavelength/production process LENA Scintillator Characterization – Michael Wurm, TUM5
Experimental Setup measurement at several angles and for both polarizations determines contributions of Rayleigh scattering, absorption-reemission etc. =430±5nm x10 -5 monitors beam intensity measures scattered intensity LENA Scintillator Characterization – Michael Wurm, TUM6
Exemplary Measurement Result parallel to beam orthogonal to beam Sample: Dodecane Wavelength: 415nm Q=N s /N b is the (corrected) ratio of PM intensities main contribution: Rayleigh scattering (large polarization difference) no discernible increase in forward scattering: minor Mie-contribution small orthogonal component at 90°: absorption/re-emission processes LENA Scintillator Characterization – Michael Wurm, TUM7
Scattering Length Results no hints for Mie-scat. anisotropic scattering in good agreement with Rayleigh expectation correct wavelength- dependence found literature values for PC, cyclohexane correctly reproduced Results for =430nm L S = 22±3 m after purification in Al 2 O 3 -column
Corrections and Uncertainties unevenness of sample glass surface:4%(unc.) beam reflection on glass, alignment, refractive index:0.3%(cor.) background subtraction of glass scattering:diff.(unc.) scattering solid angle (PM-S field of view):4%(unc.) variation of PM-S efficiency with scattering angle:7%(unc.) relative photoefficiency of the PMs:7%(cor.) greyfilter transmission (wavelength-dependent):3.4%(cor.)
MC Simulation of Light Yield Input Parameters: event in the center 10 4 photons/MeV LENA radius: 15m optical coverage: 0.3 photoefficiency: 0.2 attenuation length (from previous experi- ments at MPIK, TUM and SNO+ R&D) overall range: photoelectrons/MeV (optimum: 600pe/MeV) corresponding energy resolution at 1MeV: 7.1% to 4.6% yield could be increased by state-of-the-art photocathodes ( ->40%) LENA Scintillator Characterization – Michael Wurm, TUM10
Impact on Time Resolution Rise time determines resolution. General trends: fast fluorescence component has largest impact on both rise time t s and decay flank s no effect of refractive index lower scattering length smears out signal: t s larger increase in attenuation length decreases t s LENA Scintillator Characterization – Michael Wurm, TUM11
Summary Scattering length of all current LENA scintillator candidates has been measured. Impact on both light yield and time resolution was tested. LAB provides larger light yield, while PXE (+C12) offers better time resolution. Scattering length of all current LENA scintillator candidates has been measured. Impact on both light yield and time resolution was tested. LAB provides larger light yield, while PXE (+C12) offers better time resolution. LENA Scintillator Characterization – Michael Wurm, TUM12