Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 Rosetta Science Operations The planning concept - current status Detlef Koschny Space Science Department ESA/ESTEC.


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Presentation transcript:

Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 Rosetta Science Operations The planning concept - current status Detlef Koschny Space Science Department ESA/ESTEC Naming conventions Science operations planning - general remarks The three planning cycles Presented at the Rosetta Science Operations Working Group Meeting (SOWG) #5, 11 Jul 2001

Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 Naming conventions - I Mission phase:  Based on the CREMA but subject to modifications depending on the activities to be performed in the individual phases, defined in the EID C  Major time division of the Rosetta mission  Mission phase has a definite start event and end event  Example: Far approach phase (FAT) - starts when Comet Acquisition Point (CAP) is reached, ends when Approach Transition Point (ATP) is reached Mission scenario:  A part of the mission fulfilling a certain set of science goals  Typically requires a dedicated trajectory  Within one mission phase, mission scenarios can be repeated more than one time  Example: Dust/gas jet sampling, Interference scenario

Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 Naming conventions - II Science Activity Plan (SAP):  A list of mission scenarios for the complete mission phase  ESOC expects one SAP before each mission phase Master Science Plan (MSP):  The MSP describes the science operations for one given mission scenario on top level  Contains a list of the planned experiment operations, at least down to mode level (see tutorial on EPS, mode transition diagram, later in this meeting)  Contains the requested trajectory of the spacecraft  Contains the requested pointing of the spacecraft

Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 Science operations planning - general remarks  In commissioning phase: “procedural” approach with Flight Control Procedures (FCPs)  Cruise, fly-bys: Transition to usage of Orbiter Instrument Operations Request (OIOR) and Lander Operations Request (LOR) files  Latest in comet phase: A three-step approach will be used (contents of the three cycles slightly changed as a result of the last review, especially lessons learnt from NEAR-Shoemaker and Cassini):  Long-term planning  Medium-term planning  Short-term planning  All operational timelines will be uploaded to the spacecraft in a “Mission Timeline” which will be executed autonomously on board. The Mission Timeline is valid for typically a few days.

Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 The three planning cycles - I Long-term planning:  Goal: A baseline SAP shall be available before each mission phase.  Activities:  Scenario development (scenario description, Master Science Plan)  Science Activity Plan (SAP) development  Schedule: Has started already (see “Pointing Scenario” discussion, this meeting). Covers the complete mission Medium-term planning:  Goal: Ensure that the planning process was done at least once in all detail (fly-bys, comet phase)  Activities:  For each mission scenario, generate baseline POR file (based on baseline SAP, baseline scenarios)  Build up a “library” for operations  Schedule: ca. 2 years before Comet Acquisition Point is reached. Covers the comet phase (fly-by phases)

Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 The three planning cycles - II Short-term planning:  Goal: To actually perform the science operations at the comet  Activities:  POR file generation  Update SAP and scenario plans only if needed  Schedule: After Comet Acquisition Point is reached, until end of mission. Typically one planning period will cover one week

Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 PTB simulations EPS mode level checks Long-term planning - scenario development Experi- menter RSOC RMOC Produce science requests, document in EID-B, UMs,SWT... Group science requests, formulate science goals for given scenario Produce Scenario Para- meter List (SPL) Create a sample trajectory, pointing, slewing Flight Dynamics Team to comment Compile baseline scenario document with descriptive text, trajectory, mode- level ops, pointing, events, detailed ops where needed Provide inputs Iterate FDT and FCT to provide inputs SOWG Meeting Final scenario description, Master Science Plan

Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 Long-term planning - Science Activity Plan development Experi- menter RSOC Trajectories from scenario studies Prioritise scenarios, put low-risk items in beginning Science requests vs. time in mission, document in EID-B, UMs,SWT... Order scenarios Compile draft Science Activity Plan (SAP) Iterate Provide inputs SOWG Meeting FDT and FCT to provide inputs Baseline Science Activity Plan (SAP) RMOC

Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 Medium-term planning - POR file generation Experi- menter RSOC RMOC Update Scenario Parameter List (SPL) FDT produces new predicted trajectory info: -> pointing + slewing boundaries -> event file -> trajectory (x/y/z) Update Master Science Plan (MSP) with new pointing; propose changes to mode level ops of experiments Fill in detailed ops, possibly update pointing requests -Update final pointing requests -Update consolidated POR file -Check for conflicts Iteration Provide inputs Final PTR POR FDT produces final real pointing Iteration Provide inputs Final POR to Flight Control Team FDT = Flight Dynamics Team

Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 Short-term planning - POR file generation Experi- menter RSOC RMOC Update Scenario Parameter List (SPL) FDT produces new predicted trajectory info: -> pointing + slewing boundaries (FTL file) -> events (OEF) -> trajectory (x/y/z) Update Master Science Plan (MSP) with new pointing; propose changes to mode level ops of experiments Fill in detailed ops, possibly update pointing requests -Update final pointing requests -Update consolidated POR file -Check for conflicts Iteration Provide inputs Final PTR POR FDT produces final real pointing, update FTL Iteration Provide inputs Final POR to Flight Control Team NOTE: The dotted boxes will be done under major time pressure (lesson learnt from NEAR experience) FDT = Flight Dynamics Team

Solar System Division DVK, 10 Jul 2001 Mission scenarios – Tutorial examples Pointing scenario  “Science” goal: (a) Point to a certain star, the Earth, or the Moon. This will allow the experimenter to calibrate their experiments. (b) Measure the co-alignment of the Navigation Cameras (CAM), the Star Trackers (STR), and the remote-sensing experiments.  Trajectory: Don’t care.  Priority experiments: All remote-sensing instruments Interference scenario  “Science” goal: To operate experiments in parallel to find potential conflicts.  Trajectory: Don’t care.  Priority experiments: Depends on details.