How to succeed in BA 385 Your guide to the grade of your choice
How to succeed in BA 385 Attendance is crucial Present from start to finish of each class Present from start to finish of each class Return promptly from breaks, ready to work Return promptly from breaks, ready to work Fully engaged (no side conversations, working on other assignments, unrelated laptop use) Fully engaged (no side conversations, working on other assignments, unrelated laptop use) Participate in discussions Participate in discussions Critical thinking Demonstrate you have considered multiple aspects of a situation Comment on different stakeholder issues Ask “who benefits?” and “who is harmed?” kinds of questions Make an effort to put your own bias aside
How to succeed in BA 385 Group participation Utilize group resources effectively Consider using a timeline with milestones Develop process for dealing with non- performers Have a contingency plan for completion Academic integrity Citations must be properly used – the lack of proper referencing is considered plagiarism and will result in a ZERO for the entire assignment Citations must be properly used – the lack of proper referencing is considered plagiarism and will result in a ZERO for the entire assignment Collaboration is encouraged, but individual assignments must be your own Collaboration is encouraged, but individual assignments must be your own
How to succeed in BA 385 Volunteer experience Clearly identify the stakeholder group you are serving Clearly identify the stakeholder group you are serving Schedule your time at the non-profit early in the term Schedule your time at the non-profit early in the term Paper to be produced individually Paper to be produced individually Use your brief presentation time wisely! Use your brief presentation time wisely! Creative solutions Challenge yourself to develop creative solutions that provide long-term support where it is needed Suggestions like “donate money” or “volunteer” = C level Be innovative – this is a safe environment for experimentation!
How to succeed in BA 385 The syllabus Read assignment descriptions carefully Read assignment descriptions carefully Be sure written papers contain section headings Be sure written papers contain section headings Ask questions early and often Ask questions early and often In-class instructions supersede what is written in the syllabus In-class instructions supersede what is written in the syllabus Extra credit possibilities Lead a brief discussion about a current news item and its business implications Announcements will be made throughout the course for EC options You may propose additional relevant possibilities
AA-B+BB-C Reaction Papers (80 pts) Thoughtful with lots of connections to other material “A” level work with minor # of grammar errors A few good ideas but not fully developed Couple of ideas not fully developed Good summary with beginning of ideas Good summary but no reaction Mid-term project (70 pts) Terrific! Take it to the real world!!! Strong in nearly every aspect Format & some content strong Good format & partial content Format good but content marginal Lacks “zip” and may not get read Final project (70 pts) Excellent – this one is ready to take to the world! Great ideas but needs “fact checking” Great ideas but do not flow from experi’nce Meets reqm’ts; solutions not fully feasible Meets reqm’ts; solutions not fully developed Meets reqm’ts; lacks creative solutions In-class part’ion (80 pts) A true & consistent class leader Fully present; lots of input Fully present; regular input Fully present; minimum input Came late & left early; min. input Missed 2 classes; minimal input
That’s how to succeed in BA 385 Any questions?