Introduction to the Morningside Elementary School Science Fair 2015 Mr. Lovett and Mme. James 5 th Grade Dual Immersion Classes Presented by Toni Mehraban
Science Fair 2015 Overview Goal is for students to have fun with science by asking questions and discovering answers! Important dates: – Backboard and Logbook (do not bring actual experiment to school) – January 26 – Science Fair – January 27 Display boards are provided in the office Twenty 5 th and 6 th grade students will move on to compete in the Granite District Science Fair
ProblemResearchQuestionHypothesisExperimentResultsConclusions The scientific method is a way to ask and answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments. What is the Scientific Method?
1.Identify a problem – Make observations of the world around you – Chose a topic that interests you and your peers – 5 th grade curriculum includes : Volcanoes, earthquakes, and landforms Erosion/weathering Magnets Electricity Chemical and physical changes Genetics Problem ResearchQuestionHypothesisExperimentResultsConclusions What is the Scientific Method?
2.Research – Who, what, when, where, why, how? – Use the school library, neighborhood library, internet, experts (biologists, ecologists, engineers) – Become the expert on your topic! – What are some real world problems that need attention or haven’t been answered? Problem Research QuestionHypothesisExperimentResultsConclusions What is the Scientific Method?
3.Ask a question – Interesting, creative, relevant to the world today! – To be answered by collecting data – Testable – Change ONE (independent variable) thing to see the effect on ANOTHER (dependent variable) thing. ProblemResearch Question HypothesisExperimentResultsConclusions What is the Scientific Method?
Independent variable – The ONE thing that will be changed by the scientist during the experiment Dependent variable – The thing(s) being measured in the experiment – Response to the change you make by changing the independent variable Independent Variable Dependant Variable
Q: What is the affect of adding rip rap to a hillside on the amount of soil erosion and water retention? Independent Variable Dependant Variable
4.Develop a hypothesis – A statement of what the scientist expects to happen in the experiment – NOT a guess; use your research! If rip rap is added to a hillside, then the amount of soil and water washed downstream will be reduced because the rip rap will protect the soil from water erosion. What is the Scientific Method? ProblemResearchQuestion Hypo- thesis ExperimentResultsConclusions
What is the Scientific Method? 5.Conduct an experiment – List all materials required and their quantities 3 cups water, 4 cups sand, 3 cups pea gravel, 4 cups 1inch gravel, 3 foot section of gutter, measuring cups, etc. – List procedures Needs to be clear and detailed enough that someone else could perform your exact experiment to replicate your results! Step by step instructions ProblemResearchQuestion Hypo- thesis Experi- ment ResultsConclusions
What is the Scientific Method? 6.Collect data and observations – Use tables to record your measurements – Design a table that includes what you will change (independent variable) and what you will measure (dependent variable) – Record your observations too! Pictures and descriptions 7.Graph results – Bar or line graph? ProblemResearchQuestion Hypo- thesis Experi- ment Results Conclusions
Table 1. Toni’s Results Trial Volume of Water Collected Downstream (cups) Comments Control 1 (sand only)2.75 Lots of sand washed down into measuring cup forming channels in sand Control 2 (sand only) Control 3 (sand only) Sand and pea gravel, Trial Sand and pea gravel, Trial 2 Sand and pea gravel, Trail 3 Sand, pea gravel, and 1-inch gravel, Trail 12.0 No movement downstream of sand, pea gravel, or 1-inch gravel Sand, pea gravel, and 1-inch gravel, Trail 2 Sand, pea gravel, and 1-inch gravel, Trail 3
Figure 1. Volume of Water Collected Downstream
What is the Scientific Method? 8.Develop a conclusion – Was your hypothesis correct or incorrect? – Include results and observations to support what you learned – Explain why your experiment turned out like it did – More research might be needed ProblemResearchQuestion Hypo- thesis Experi- ment Results Con- clusions
Logbook Requirements Overview and timeline Topic brainstorm Question Background research Hypothesis Materials and Procedures Data tables Observations Graphs Conclusion
Display Board Requirements Back text with colored paper Proof read for spelling and grammar Use graphs and pictures to help tell the story Use pencil and ruler to draft and mark then erase after using pen/marker.