The aboriginal people were the first ones to live in Australia around years ago They travelled out of Africa, through India, Malaysia, Borneo and Papua New Guinea and is believed they got to Australia by raft or canoe The Aborigines
They lived in tribes and moved around from place to place in search of food and water They hunted animals with spears and boomerangs and gathered fruits, nuts and yams to eat Hunters and Gatherers
First White Settlers When the Europeans first came to Australia, the Aborigines had never seen white people before. They thought they were the spirits of their dead ancestors.
The Aborigines soon realised they were not their dead ancestors and that these people were so different to them The settlers started to take away their land and natural food resources When Macquarie became Governor in 1810, he believed the best way to treat Aboriginal people was to ‘civilise’ them and replace the traditional Aboriginal way of life with European ways Treatment of Aboriginal People
As more and more white people moved in, there became more conflict. The Aboriginal population became smaller as they fought for their land. Their families were broken up and children were taken away. Aborigines became 2 nd class citizens in their own land.
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